
Bernard PIRE


En résumé

• Twenty four years of extensive experience in conducting/managing criminal and administrative investigations at federal and international levels and in a multicultural environment.
• Extensive experience of high tech crime and computer forensics
• Highly focused and results-oriented in supporting complex, deadline-driven operations; able to identify goals and priorities and resolve issues in initial stages.
• Proficient in writing new rules and regulations that comply with company policies.
• Excellent interpersonal skills.
• Fluency in French and English.
• Strong evaluative and analytical skills.
• Adept at establishing and maintaining strong business relationships between organizations.
• Developed awareness on the importance of appropriate measures in evidence collection and handling.

Mes compétences :
Computer Forensics
Management international
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • IBM - Senior security forensic analyst

    Bois-Colombes 2012 - maintenant Member of the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
  • The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria - Consultant

    2008 - 2012 Consultant en matière de hautes technologies informatiques.
  • United Nations - Office of Internal Oversight Services - Computer forensic analyst

    2006 - 2008 Mise en place du département "computer forensics" au sein de l'Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS).
  • United Nations - Resident investigator OIOS

    Genève 10 2005 - 2006 Déploiement du bureau régional de l'Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) en Côte d'Ivoire.
  • Police Judiciaire - Enquêteur Computer Crime Unit

    2000 - 2005 Enquête en milieu automatisé, lutte contre la pornographie enfantine, appui en matière d'investigations informatiques au bénéfice des divers départements de la Police Judiciaire.


  • Ecole Royale Militaire ERM (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 1979 - 1983 Promotion Toutes Armes
  • Athénée Royal Francois Bovesse (Namur)

    Namur 1978 - 1979 année spéciale mathématiques
  • Athénée Royal Andrée Thomas (Forest)

    Forest 1975 - 1978 latin grec


Annuaire des membres :