BNP Paribas
- Assistant Relationship Manager
2006 - 2006
Corporate and Investment Banking - Financial Institutions Group
Location: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Status: International Volonteer (Volontaire International en Entreprise - VIE)
Title: assistant relationship manager
From April 2006 to October 2006
- budget process and strategic action plan,
- development project towards new target.
BNP Paribas
- Analyst
2006 - 2007
Corporate and Investment Banking - Structured Finance (Acquisition Finance and Loan Structuring, Media Telecom Finance, Leveraged Finance);
Location: Manama - Kingdom of Bahrain
Status: International Volonteer (Volontaire International en Entreprise - VIE)
Title: analyst
Since October 2006
- elaboration of the business plan for the GCC countries,
- financial modeling,
- analysis of information memorandum and term sheet.
BNP Paribas
- Portfolio Manager
2005 - 2005
French Retail Banking - Corporate Group - Structured Finance
Location: Paris - France
Status: trainee
Title: portfolio manager on 25 structured loans (LBOs, acquisitions, restructurations), with BNP Paribas as Agent.
From April to December 2005.
- annual financial analysis and monitoring of borrowers’ liabilities (financial covenants),
- reporting among the other banks of the pool, writing memorandums,
- modifications of initial liabilities by waivers or other legal acts,
- refinancing / restructuring studies with front officers.