
Bertrand ZIEGLER


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Business development
International business development


  • COBRECO - Managing director

    2009 - 2010 tuna cannery.
  • ZSA - CEO and majority shareholder

    2007 - maintenant Creation of 3 structures:
    NSI: trading of frozen seafood for industry, retail and Food service.Activity sold recently
    ZSA: Agency frozen and fresh ready to eat products. Still active
    Ziegler Seafood: processor of frozen seafood from salmon and tuna dedicated to Food industry and freeze centers. sold recently
  • Delpierre Mer et Tradition - Commercial and export director

    2002 - 2006 re organisation and development of the commercial operations of this french cannery dedicated to mackerels, tuna and sardines.
    figures 2007: 60 millions euros turnover good profitability and 20% of export operations.
    In charge of Research end development, marketing, sales in France and abroad.
  • TIMAC groupe Roullier - Commercial and product manager

    2000 - 2001 management of a team dedicated to minerals raw materials for feed and food industry.
    Management of a range of mineral products for the whole group
  • Laschinger Aqua Group - Managing director France

    1997 - 1999 Creation of the french subsidiary of this german group focussed on fresh and smoked salmon.
    Good positions gained in fresh salmon to industry and retail (filets and portions)
    Turnover in 1999: 15 millions euros.
  • Jean Baptiste Delpierre - Export manager

    1988 - 1996 Creation of export operations
    from none in 1988 the export turnover came to 20 millions euros in 1996 (30% of global turnover) with a subsidiaries in Germany and Italy and a full logistic and commercial organisations.



Annuaire des membres :