
Blanche HOO


En résumé

Sky-Wing Precision Mold. Co.,Ltd est société fabriquons moule d'injection en Chine, Nous déjà avoir coopération avec pays de Euro et Amérique, Prix et la qualité sont préoccupation prioritaire.

nous serons très heureux si nous pouvons résoudre le problème du client et de leur fournir un bon service.

Contacte -moi à E-mail: ou skype: blanche hoo.


  • Sky-Wing Precision mold.Co.,Ltd - Commercial development

    2014 - maintenant nouveau challenges
  • Global Tool Supply Limited - Fournisseur de Moule

    2013 - 2014 I never think being a sales person is selling things, I believe we are providing service and solve problems for our customers. and there are many qualities a sales person should have, such as being positive, persistence, patience, being professional to the products you are selling, knowing about the market situation, so on and so forth. but most important quality I believe is being honest and always keep promise.

    As for me , I believe I am an honst person who will always keep promise, I like to be a sales, Carnegie once said, "When you sell something , everything happens", I love the challenge this job brings to me , and I want to hear from my customers. when we close a deal and what our company do have satisfied them , is the most enjoyful moment.


Pas de formation renseignée


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