


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project Management


  • MSR-Technik - Commissioning Engineer

    1995 - maintenant Mein Tätigkeitsbereich umfasst schon seit langem die Inbetriebnahme und Instandsetzung von Anlagen. In der 80'er Jahren habe ich in der Heeresinstandsetzung die Position als Reserveoffizier Instandsetzungszug für den Fahrzeugpark einer Panzerbrigade innegehabt, nach meinem Elektrotechnik-Studium in Aachen mit Abschluss als Dipl.-Ing.(TH) bin ich zur Inbetriebnahme von Kraftwerken und Müllverbrennunganlagen vorgestossen und habe dort Vor-Ort-Inbetriebnahmen von Messungen, Antrieben sowie die Programmierung deren Steuerungen und Regelungen vorgenommen. U.a. wurde ich auch mit Inbetriebnahmeleitung und Montageleitung beauftragt. Zur Zeit bin ich als Consulting bei AEB in Amsterdam für alle Fragen bzgl. des ganzen Leittechniksystems verantwortlich.
  • MSR-Technik - Automatisierungsingenieur

    1995 - maintenant 2009-2013 since October RWE-Essent Productie
    Instrument engineer in the project team for the Essent ClausC power plant
    - Special function project engineering for the steam turbine auxiliary systems Siemens T3000 through all phases: DCS contract review; conceptual phase, document reviews, FAT factory acceptance tests, SAT site acceptance tests, construction surveillance, commissioning

    2008-2009 since April CB&I Lummus, Den Haag
    Instrument engineer DCS in the project team for the Essent STEG power plant MD02
    - Special function project engineering revamp of the CCR (central control room) of MD01 and to extend the 150kV-power station by a new field

    2006-2008 since June Fichtner, Stuttgart
    consultant for AEB (Afval Energie Bedrijf) / ICFC (Ingenieurscombinatie Fichtner-Cumae)
    special function commissioning engineer I&C System

    1999-2006 several service travels for ABB-Mannheim
    service engineer trouble shooting
    in Germany and Greece
    maintenance of computer equipment, P14, PBS

    2005 since November AEB new waste incineration plant HR-AVI Amsterdam
    project engineer
    for the implementation of lot34 (water-steam part) into the DCS;

    2005 since January KEO-Rüsselsheim gas turbine plant (Opel)
    lead engineer erection and commissioning retrofit

    2002-2004 since October TWL Ludwigshafen
    automation engineer programming and database
    in own responsibility with one associate substitutions of several EA-Bus cabinets
    (boiler3, boiler2 and alimentation part);
    implementation of programs for the new flue gas treatment line

    1999-2002 since May BASF Ludwigshafen
    customer service engineer
    several start up projects to gain long-term relation with the customer;
    software interfaces and retrofit of an oil boiler

    1999 4 months working for Eckelmann(Wiesbaden) and SMS (Düsseldorf)
    automation engineer regulation
    adjusting programs on the Thyssen construction side Duisburg-Bruckhausen

    1998 since September Mlada Boleslav (VW-Skoda)
    automation engineer special functions
    near Praha (CZ)
    correcting database block 80;
    responsible for start up of the programming of block 90;

    1998 since July ABB, Mannheim
    test engineer new software
    testing new PDAS-software in the test fields

    1998 since March again RWE gas turbine plant in Ludwigshafen BASF area
    service engineer open items
    for all open items

    1997-1998 since July RDK gas turbine plant in Karlsruhe (nowadays EnBW)
    Automation engineer assisting in programming the gas turbine regulation in Advant AC160

    1997 since April RWE gas turbine plant in Ludwigshafen BASF area
    automation engineer programming for steam turbine
    installation of the programs for steamer 1;
    afterwards responsible for the realization of the steam turbine function groups

    1996-1997 since October waste incineration plants in Bamberg and Kassel
    commissioning engineer electrical equipment

    1996 since May mineral coal plant block C Hamm-Uentrop
    commissioning engineer electrical equipment
    responsible for 10 persons
    1995-1996 since October brown coal power plant Schkopau
    commissioning engineer instruments


  • Technische Akademie Ahaus (Ahaus)

    Ahaus 2014 - 2014 Schaltberechtigungslehrgang bis 36kV

    Sicherheitslehrgang für mittelspannungen bis 36kV
    Schaltberechtigungslehrgang bis 36kV
  • RWTH Aachen (Aachen)

    Aachen 1986 - 1993 Diplom-Ingenieur (TH)



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