
Bouzahir BRAHIM


En résumé

No surprise here, I am Brahim (Bouzahir) ...

I enjoy doing research as a Ph.D Student at National School of Trade and Management (Acronym ENCG) (Université Ibnou Zohr -Agadir) where I hold the Research Laboratory in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Audit. I mainly teach Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance to graduate students. To me, part of the name of the game is meeting the expectations and needs of very different audiences all around the world in Business Symposium.


My research interests are defined by the following keywords:
- Entrepreneurial Finance: VC, Angel investing, bootstrapping, investment readiness...
- Entrepreneurial ventures and Networks
- Qualitative Methods, Case method
- New-venture financing
Fields of teaching and academie activities
- Finance and accounting
- Entrepreneurship

I am also involved in the following projects:
- AMDEM is Association founded in 2012 by young researchers in management (University of Cadi Ayyad Marrakech – FSJES)

Mes compétences :
Decision making
Venture capital


  • Doctorant-Chercheur au Laboratoire de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat, Finance et Audit- ENCG d'Agadir - Doctorant-Chercheur

    2010 - maintenant * The Entrepreneurial Manager: (course)
    The main goal of this course is to introduce the best practices for assessing and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in multiple contexts.
    - The entrepreneur : entrepreneurial motivations, skills and profiles…
    - The opportunity: criteria for assessment, market research, environment analysis, types of innovation…
    - The resources: introduction to entrepreneurial finances and SMEs financing techniques such as bootstrapping, venture capital, specific bank financing schemes…
    - The Environment: the entrepreneurial ecosystem in different countries
    - The business plan
    - Effectuation
    - Why the entrepreneurial mindset is important in every kind of organization (even large ones) and the differences between ‘entrepreneurial’ and ‘managerial’ behavior. Concepts such as MBO (Management Buy-Out) and corporate entrepreneurship are introduced.
    - How large firms can become more entrepreneurial.

    * Entrepreneurial Finance : The course provides insights to answer to following questions:

    Why are entrepreneurial ventures difficult to finance?
    What types of financing sources are available for entrepreneurial ventures?
    How to assess and quantify financial needs?
    How to value entrepreneurial firms?
    What is venture capital? Who are the venture capitalists and the business angels?
    How to finance a Management Buy-Out (MBO)?
    Which public financial support is available to SMEs?
    How to exit an entrepreneurial venture (harvesting)?
    * The perfect business plan?

    A dream team: capable, experienced, committed, adaptable and trustworthy
    A unique offering with a proof of concept
    An in-depth market research section (i.e. incl. demand, industry and competition)
    Focus on one niche market and a strong Sales & Marketing plan
    Focus on the core business
    Ambition and realism
    Clear milestones
    Strong governance
    Risks analysis and Plan B included
    Financial plan based on a limited set of benchmarked assumptions
    Cash rich
    Keep it simple
    Ready for execution

    VC will add:

    Fast and scalable business model
    Clear exit strategy

    Hard questions?

    Why you?
    What makes you unique?
    Why now?
    Is it possible to increase the market potential?
    How can we sell more and/or faster?
    Is it possible to reduce the risks?

    VC will add:

    Can you do more with less money?
    How to reduce time to exit?
    Where to find other deep pocket investors (i.e. syndicate members)?
  • TEL COM - Responsable financier

    2008 - 2009
  • GEMADEC - Stage de fin d'étude

    2008 - 2008 « Evaluation d’Entreprise lors d’Introduction en Bourse »
    Ce mémoire a été rédigé dans le cadre d’un stage d’une durée de quatre mois au sein de la société GEMADEC


  • Ecole Nationale De Commerce Et De Gestion (Agadir)

    Agadir 2009 - 2012 Sciences et techniques de gestion

    Ph-d Student at National School of Commerce and Management (French Acronym: ENCG) Agadir



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