


En résumé

Chef d'entreprise dans la distribution de vins Francais et d'equipement professionnel pour l'hôtellerie et la restauration dans toute l'Amérique latine.
Une société Francaise avec une succursale au Pérou, Panama, et Bresil ( et la Colombie en 2021 ).

Mes compétences :
Gérer diriger
Compliance officer
Directeur financier
Gestion des risques
Business builder
West 1 & 2


  • IN VINO FRANCES VERITAS & DELICATESSEN Import/Export - Chef d'entreprise

    2017 - maintenant Chef d'entreprise de notre société de distribution de vins en Amérique Latine
  • Sony pictures Entertainment / EUROPE - Directeur Compliance Europe & PMO Europe

    2013 - 2016 Supporting and being the European relay of SPE HQ corporate in Los Angeles in all matters related to compliance, internal control, internal audit relationship, reorganization and ad-hoc sensitive projects.

    - Reorganization and Rationalization // Change management
    - Internal audit review for all Europe and risk assessment cycle
    - Project manager for PAN EUROPEAN outsourcing engagement
    All activities ( Direct or Indirect tax returns, Statutory reporting & filling, VAT returns)
    - Subject matter expert on Statutory tax stream : Multi-GAAP / IFRS implementation
    - Managing local statutory auditors engagement
    - Due Diligence and assistance in tax audit for the European Region
  • Sony pictures Entertainment / Home Entertainment - PARIS - Directeur Administratif & financier - SPHE France & Benelux

    2010 - 2013 Managing both finance teams across 3 locations and all financial functions outsourced to partnering companies while supporting effectively the business through both the normal day to day business.

    - Supporting and helping the business to embrace new challenges of the current European market with the ongoing changing environment in the Home Entertainment business through a shift from the traditional physical support to the digitalization with its new market players.
    - Specialized in reorganizing, reshaping & strengthening organizations to embrace new requirements and to face new economics drivers.
    - Being a great conductor for all financial in-house/outsourced functions to ensure both reactivity & effectiveness to support effectively the business. Enabling the board of directors to drive the business in the best profitable manners by providing best-in-class financial support.

    List of specific achievements to date:
    - Leading downsizing plans and delivering effective transitions
    -Complete reorganization of the finance teams alongside with the outsourcing of all transactional accounting to a SSC in Poland for France, Holland and Belgium.
    -Successful outsourcing of the payroll (ADP) and all tax matters (Deloitte) to 3rd parties
    - Developing Skills and strengths of financial teams
    - Liquidation of a joint venture with TF1 with the mitigation of all major risks around: receivables and legal litigation with 3rd parties
    - Extensive exposure to tax matters: Transfer pricing and Tax audit

    Reporting line:
    2 Financial Controllers, 1 FP&A & 2 Management accountants locally
    A team 13 accountants
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment / Home Ent - MADRID - Directeur compliance & audit interne - Worldwide

    2008 - 2010 In charge of the compliance and internal audit work for all worldwide SPHE territories for the following activities:
    - Compliance & Internal audit
    -Embedding and ensuring adherence to both the internal control & SOX procedures
    -Conducting internal audit review + Risks and anti-bribery assessment
    -Technical compliance: Implementation of USGAAP Accounting policies and procedures in line with Sony policies + training of finance team
    - Worldwide project: Lead on change management & reorganization
    -Appraisal, realigning and reorganizing local finance teams across all SPHE territories
    -Shared service centre implementation & transition + Global centralizing purchases project
    -Monitoring of the rolling out of any new development / functionality of ERP (SAP & SAP BI)

    2008 - 2010
  • Canon Europe / Londres - Snr Manager - Audit interne

    2005 - 2008 Temporary assignment reporting directly to the CFO Europe to manage the European Internal audit & control dept for EMEA region
    - Internal auditing work - Specialty: Risk assessment, fraud prevention & contingency
    - Monitoring and reporting to HQ upon the status of the ORACLE implementation across EMEA region alongside with ensuring the effectiveness of the internal control framework
    - Transfer the in-house share Service Centre to an outsourced partner (Big 4) in Prague
    - Implementation of SOX internal control framework based on Canon Inc requirements
    - Coordination of Pan European approach / engagement with External auditors for both SOX and financial statutory audit (USGAAP & Local GAAP - IFRS)
    -Improving and strengthening Integrated Financial audit for cost saving purpose
    -Downward negotiation on engagement fees with statutory auditors (Saving of €250k)

    Reporting line: 2 senior auditors & 3 permanent juniors
  • BBC - Home Entertainment / Londres - Responsable controle de Gestion - Div Home Entertainment

    2001 - 2005
  • Air France / Londres - Chef comptable - UK & Irlande

    2000 - 2001



Annuaire des membres :