After two years of bachelor in Foreign Languages and International Trade at the University of South Britanny, Lorient, France, I decided to study a double-degree bachelor in International Trade and Marketing at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic, for one full academic year.
My international studies, various trips around the world and the variety of enriching professional experiences improved my adaptation capacity.
Dynamic and ambitious, I will join in September an IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises) in Nantes for a master degree in management. I chose to professionalised my master degree by an aprenticeship. Therefore, I'll be in the international marketing service of Delta Dore, based in Bonnemain (35, France).
In addition to my student and apprentice status, I want to work in a charity. Consequently, I am looking for a charity near to Rennes - Saint Malo - Dinan in which I could help for an administrative work. Really interested in the supplier relationship and the supply chain, I would like to help your charity in developping new partnerships.
If you want to contact me to have more information, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at or call me on my mobile phone : +336 15 19 48 69.
Mes compétences :
International trade
Foreign languages