

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project management
Gestion de projet
Knowledge in acosutiscs
Civil engineering


  • Fibois42 - Internship in R&D

    2019 - 2019 Internship in research and development (R&D).
    Research and development of acoustic wood panels, using
    local wood.
    Development of prototype, laboratory tests, analyses of results.
    Project management and planning.
  • Freelancer - Private teacher/tutor

    2016 - 2017 Private science teacher for High School students.


  • Ecole Nationale D' Ingénieurs De Saint Etienne

    Saint Etienne 2017 - 2019 Accomplishment of a double degree exchange in between UNESP and ENISE. Obtaining the European engineer's degree and the Brazilian engineer's degree at the same time.
  • University Of California Berkeley (UCB) (Berkeley)

    Berkeley 2017 - 2017 Intense summer course attended with focus in “Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities”.
    Studying the climate changes in the San Francisco area, as well as developing innovative ideas and solution for the city.
  • State University Of California, Fullerton (Fullerton)

    Fullerton 2016 - 2016 Scholarship earned to participate in the Student International Research Program – SIRI.
    Field of studies:
    "The Influence of NaCl Leaching on Undrained and Drained Shear Strength of Clays";
    "Effect of Earthquakes on the Shear Strength of Clayey Soils”;
    “Reduction in Shear Strength of Clayey Soils due to Leaching of Saline Water”.
  • Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp (Guaratingueta)

    Guaratingueta 2014 - 2019 Civil engineering program.
    2017 - Scholarship to continue and finish my studies in France


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