St stephen's hospital LONDON, UK
- Medical&Scientific Photographer
Photographer and Abstract-Expressionist Painter"ART IS A MUST,JUST LIKE BREATHING"
Karo Evans has been living in differant countries where she has discovered, and been inspired by great cultures and "peoples".
She has a diploma in Medical&Scientific Photography from London,UK.
Many people I come into contact with, think and, its their privilege, that, what I do, I do for FUN.Nothing is further away from REALITY.I NEED to dive into CREATIVITY and express my guts, through my paintings and my photographs.
Without ART, I would be amputated of what “makes me”, what has been one of the driving forces in my life.When one is amputated, long after, the limb has been removed, one feels a “phantom pain”, where the limb used to be.When some one is an Artist, if he cannot express himself through the medium of his choice, he dies slowly……With that death, comes the pain, brought by the impossibility, to share, what has been growing inside, deep down, in those corridors and palaces of creativity.When you drown, you try to gasp for air, you battle with the elements, yourself, the waves…..An Artist I do believe is a very sensitive ( sense it…eves.) person, and can therefore, retranscript, to those around, what he receives, and transforms using his imagination and palette, media….Artists are a needed category of BEINGS in this world, where we are chasing for troubles, wars, lacking beliefs, left drifting ALONG uncertainties.My aim is to give birth to what I feel inside my innermost being, whether it is received positively or not.One can take a medication which taste, is sour to our palate, or pleasing to the papilles.But the objective is to get better.To get stronger.TO LIVE. TO BE.Art can be for some as a medication, but the positive thing that it should do is to make us ponder about certain things around us or in us so that we can overtake them.And this can benefit others if they are open minded and willing to see the world with differant glasses than, the ones they are wearing.Art is, as well, a challenge to show the world around us, may be, what they really feel inside, and have never been able to express or even been willing to acknowledge, recognize in their own walk along that hard path, that LIFE can be.ART IS FELTART IS SENSEDART IS FOR EVERY ONENOT FOR THE ELECTART IS HEART!
CAROLINE CAUX-EVANS copyright may 1st 2010
-Photographe pour St Stephen's Hospital à Londres
-Editée dand le LANCET,magazine.
-Expositions photos avec KODAK à Londres
-Secteur de la Santé en France
-Formation à Rennes en Graphisme et PAO
-Reporter freelance pour la radio RPV à st malo:
-Journées d'informations sur l'Alcool avec Mme Jaquemin adjoint au maire de st malo et les élèves des collèges de st malo.
- La création d'un Parc Naturel dans le bassin du 22 avec Mr le maire de Taden, Bertrand Claudeville.
- interview de Ghislaine Fagès de la Galerie encre Digitale de Cancale,
représentente de la Digigraphie EPSON.
-La Directrice de la Galerie de Dinard Les Cahiers de l'Immaginaire.
-la Propriétaire de la" Vie Claire Magasin Bio " de st Jouan.
- l'Association AfricaChild qui parraine des enfants au Sénégal.
- les jeunes du centre du PONT à st Lunaire: dialogue autour des préoccupation
comme l'Alcool et les jeunes .
- interview du chanteur de Rapp
-Photographe officielle avec Elf Evans du FETLYF en avril de 2011 (festival francophone de théâtre à st malo)
If, you want more details, and if you would like to see more of my works, please, do not hesitate to contact me.