


En résumé


Communication specialist, coach, motivational speaker, business /branding consultant, marketer, business developer, i've been a part of the corporate world for many years. Using powerfull methods as well as counseling, i'm helping individuals, teams, projects, brands, startups to make the most of their resources in order to get remarkable results.

I'm an idea surfer, riding the waves of various disciplines, synthesizing information to create a unique view of the world to make new things happen. I can not resist any exiting challenge!

Polymorphous in thought and flexible in action, i'm the person who can handle loads of information from multiple sources at the same time and pieced them together to take the good decisions, to take action. "Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to make something simple", as a multidisciplined person with a full spectrum view, i'm more likely to predict and find the path to success for people and projects. I like to work with visionary people looking forward to be Pioneers: If you can dream it, we can do it!

As a person, my simplicity and my affable nature surprised the people i have been working for, managing or coaching over all these years.

At my side, people experience better performances, successful projects, good mood and notice swift positive changes in their journey... transforming all limitations into freedom.

In a few words: Communication, Human behavior, Improvement, Management, Marketing, Business Development, Curious, Intuitive, Inventive, Passionate, Creative, Fun, Right here, Right now, Better, Faster, Simply, Responsability, Dependant, Independant, Interdependant, Interconnected...

Just because something has never been done before, doesn't mean it can't be done.

Mes compétences :
Business Coaching
Coaching personal
Executive coaching
Life coaching
Management consulting
personal coaching
Team coaching


  • Ladoire Genève - Director Asia-Pacific

    2012 - 2014 Hong Kong - Singapore - China - Asia
    The concept of Ladoire timepiece’s complication is revolutionary: entirely set on micro ball bearings, the movement has no hands, besides the off-center hand for the GMT. The indication of Hours, Minutes, Seconds is made by three revolving discs, mounted on ceramic ball bearings without lubricant.

    Ladoire is an unconventional approach of watchmaking breaking the rules and code of old fashion style Luxury, respecting the most rigorous criteria of the traditional helvetic craftsman’s knowhow at the same time. A beautiful paradox, a piece of art integrating precious watch making in an era of unrestrained technological progress, vision and design.

    Very Limited editions, cutting edge technology combined with groung-breaking design that resembles no other existing timepiece.. . Rock your time!
  • Digital Marketing ROI - Associate Director, Business Development

    2012 - 2013 Hong Kong - Worldwide.
    Retargeting qualified leads with Artificial Intelligence, the key to Optimizing your Conversions. Digital Marketing ROI has created Next Generation digital business solutions that drive Targeted Prospects to your site & optimize the online sales process with Intelligent Interactive Virtual Assistants: I.I.V.A. Using Artificial Intelligence on your Website, we push the limits of the technology & transform leads into clients.
  • Bright Step (China) Limited - Managing Director - Consultant - Coach

    2011 - maintenant Hong Kong
    Helping individuals, teams, projects, brands, startups to make the most of their resources in order to get remarkable results.

    Marketing Consulting: Asian Market Entry, Strategy, Partnerships and New Product Launch. Branding. Digital Marketing. Project Management from End-to-End (Strategy, Design, Implementation, SEO, PR, Campaigns, Controlling/Report). Business Development.

    Coaching: Business. Personal Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Team Coaching, Job Transition. Career Coaching, Peak performance, Motivational Talks, Self-Improvement, Personal Development, Creative thinking.
  • BuildOther - Directeur, Expert en marketing de réseau, Consultant

    2009 - 2012 Attirer, convaincre, fédérer, maîtriser, créer la dépendance, devenir remarquable, booster les marques, les hommes, briser les murs de RÉSISTANCE, faire tourner le vent en votre faveur...

    Buildother à la capacité de transcender les problèmes et d'aller puiser au plus profond des ressources marketing et créative afin de produire le meilleur de la marque dans les pires situations.

    L'agence rassemble un savoir-faire unique en marketing et communication de réseau. Mettre au profit des franchiseurs, les recettes marketing qui fonctionnent, proposer aux réseaux les techniques, les solutions qui ont fait leurs preuves dans d’autres domaines, partager l’expérience des autres, offrir des outils opérationnels efficaces, délivrer les bons messages, créer, réaliser une communication esthétique et percutante…

    BuildOther construit avec vous les fondations d’un réseau performant ! Des idées à la pelle, être capable du meilleur quand les choses sont à leur pire. .. préparez-vous à être secoué, mettez le contact du BuildOther.
  • DOMIREVA - Directeur du réseau

    2008 - 2009 Promouvoir et déployer en réseau de franchise le nvx concept DOMIREVA : prospection, recrutement de franchisés, négociation pour rachat d?entreprises, transformation des acquisitions selon le modèle économique DOMIREVA, décupler la rentabilité et la performance des franchises. Mise en place et animation du nouveau réseau, management des acquisitions, modélisation éco, amélioration du concept. Création de l'identitée visuelle, des supports marketing on-line et off-line.
  • ILLICO TRAVAUX - Directeur Marketing & Communication

    Chauray 2005 - 2008 Direction du Pôle marketing et Communication,en charge du marketing stratégique et opérationnel, de la politique commerciale, de l’animation de la force de vente. Adaptation et implantation du concept à l’international, conception et développement du plan de communication national. Équipe de 3 personnes, force de vente de 141 courtiers.
    Enseigne : ILLICO TRAVAUX Société : SA ITF, Groupe Archipelle

    Secteur : Conseils et Services
  • Entropics (Multimedia Concept Object) - Responsable Communication / Design Manager

    2002 - 2005 Élaboration de la stratégie de communication marketing, responsable de sa cohérence et de son déploiement dans un contexte multimarques et multicanaux. Garant de l’identité visuelle du groupe.
    Société mère : MCO. 2 filiales : Banque du Document, Wettling & Associés. Création des supports de communication (on-line/off-line/software). Responsable des publications externes.
    Références : Orange France, BNP, IBM, Carrefour, Auchan, France Telecom.
  • PICAWEB - Responsable de campagne de communication

    2000 - 2002 Agence Interactive - Communication Web/Print/Media
    Développement de solutions et concepts de communication, supports marketing, pour l'industrie du jeu vidéo et sociétés de production. Brand marketing / Refonte / Teasing / Conception espaces expo.
    Références : Atari (Infogrames), Widescreen games, Enigma, Kouro sivo, Etrange libellule, pirana prod.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :