


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft office


  • Virbac - VIE Industrial and CAPEX equipment buyer

    Carros 2015 - 2016 In charge of project CAPEX procurement for new production suites in Saint Louis' plant
    Management of 11 call for tenders for new production suites:(scales,booth,conveyors,furnitures etc)
    - Suppliers sourcing
    - launching call for tenders
    - commercial/contractual negotiations
    - price negotiations
    - project follow - up on commercial/technical issues
    - supplier relationship management
    - multifonctional team work
    - delivery time close follow up in agreement with the project planning established
    - Project financial follow-up: weekly report of project spending to VP of Operations and presentation to the project team.
    - invoices,payments
    - change orders

    Consumables Procurement for production department.
  • Airbus Group - Acheteur lignes d'assemblage

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 Contract management A 321
    Mise en place contrat cadre outillages tous les sites Airbus UK
    Lancement d'appels d'offres pour le site de Broughton (UK)
    Support achat projet step change site de Broughton
  • Airbus Group - Acheteur projet bâtiments

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 Acheteur projet bâtiments sites Airbus Toulouse
    Acheteur bâtiments Siège Social Airbus Group (100 M €) lancement des appels d'offres, point focal fournisseurs, négociations techniques et financières, suivi contractuel, suivi projet, réunion de chantier projet.
  • Airbus Group - Metal machines lead buyer

    Blagnac 2012 - 2013 Airbus Group General Procurement
    purchasing of metallic machines for all EADS European plants (Airbus and Eurocopter) in Spain,England,Germany and France.
    Procurement process,call for tenders launching,suppliers negotiations,contract management,customers relationship,projects management.
  • Culture advance - Assistante commerciale et ressources humaines

    2011 - 2012
  • CIEC - Assistante d'exploitation

    2011 - 2011



Annuaire des membres :