
Charles A. C. D'ALMEIDA


En résumé

Charles possède plus de 08 années d’expériences professionnelles en implémentation de stratégies de développement d’affaires, en audit & conseil, en direction d’équipes opérationnelles et en management de projets.

Il a reçu de nombreux prix dont celui de "Talent du Monde UEMOA" et celui de "Meilleur Département AIESEC". De plus, lorsqu'il était Directeur Financier et DGA chez CANAL+ au Mali, il a obtenu d'impressionnants résultats (+50% de croissance). Récemment, il a lancé l’initiative « CHAD Academy for Africa » (un institut axé sur le développement de l’employabilité des jeunes, des entreprises et des organisations) et a co-fondé l'ONG Empower-Africa afin de contribuer plus activement au développement de l’Afrique.

Outre son background en informatique et en énergétique (INPHB, Yamoussoukro), Charles est également titulaire d’une licence en gestion (UAC-ENEAM, Cotonou) et d’un Master en Audit et Contrôle de Gestion (CESAG, Dakar).

Mes compétences :
IT Management
Hotel Management
Quality Management
Information Systems
Strategic Planning
Management Control
Internal Audit


  • ITECH Solutions Afrique - Country manager

    2014 - maintenant
  • FeD Impact Development - Consulting Partner

    2014 - maintenant
  • Canal+ - Directeur Financier – Directeur Mission de Restructuration

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2012 - maintenant In 2012, I have worked on three (03) main realisations :
    - I realised an organisational diagnosis and started restructuration and skills building ;
    - I lead & organised audit & internal control activities ;
    - I have actively contributed to the effective deployment of an ERP within the company (headquarters and direct offices).

    In 1st mid-Year term 2013, these are are my achievements :
    - lead the integration of our Information System with our certified resellers ;
    - strenghtened the internal control and process on financial system for incomes ;
    - setting up a model for income consolidation accross the organisation and its partners, customers and providers ;
    - driving and delivering fraud examination on operations realised in 2011-2012.

    In 2nd mid-Year term 2013, two big goals were defined, and I achieved to :
    - Improve the using and mastering of the ERP among main users (resellers, financial & commercial teams, top managers) ;
    - engage the company on a management system based on results by starting an evaluation of the company's performance, improving of reporting methods (for operationals and financials) and implementing effective tools for business performance management (ScoreCards - Dashboards, plans & budgets, ...).
    At the end of the year 2013, most goals were reached with outstanding financial results (+10% of growth).
  • CHAD ACADEMY - Founder & Chief Development Officer

    2012 - maintenant
  • CESAG - Responsable Affaires Académiques ASEMA & Project Manager

    2012 - 2012 After six months of activities, I achieved excellent results such as :
    - increasing quality of relationships among stakeholders,
    - realising global, impactfull and mediatised events,
    - brought with my team and colleagues lot of innovations and achieved all of our goals that have greatly satisfied most of stakeholders.
  • AIESEC International - Local Vice President for External Relations

    2011 - 2012 By implementating and using a process management approach, during my term, I have :
    - managed Relations with Public, Partners & Alumnis of the organisation ;
    - initiated, pre-organized and supervised Activities & Events realized for our main targets ;
    - managed Business development, marketing, sales and product development.
  • AIESEC International - Projects Manager

    2010 - 2011 As a Team Leader Learning (managing 04 members) at the beginning and later the Project Director (managing 10 members), I worked on a new international project (2nd edition) named "SwITch" that consists on bringing college students from around the world to teach IT skills to students in Africa, introducing them to key concepts of digital technologies, and serving as role models for the African teenagers as they worked through new concepts and skill sets.
  • X-Finances - Business & Financial Analyst

    2009 - 2010 Mainly responsible for Strategic & Business Plan analysis and writting, I worked in many projects owned by organisations coming from several sectors such as energy, pharmaceutic, local trading, banking, buildings, hotelery & tourism.
  • AXES MARKETING - Assistant du chargé d'étude (stage)

    ORVAULT 2007 - 2007
  • CDAL-CONSULTANTS - Consultant Jr.

    2005 - 2009 I did a lot of basic & professional tasks like :
    - assisting the C.E.O in administrative tasks ;
    - participating in many studies, missions for NGO like UNDP, public & private organisations like ministers, banks, hotels, etc ;
    - assisting and training young entrepreneurs of SME ;
    - mastering and training in basic and specialised softwares for an optimal use in the company.


  • CESAG (Dakar)

    Dakar 2010 - 2012 Master
  • Ecole Nationale D'Economie Appliquée Et De Management ENEAM (Cotonou)

    Cotonou 2006 - 2009 Gestion des Entreprises
  • Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Yamoussoukro)

    Yamoussoukro 1998 - 2001 Diplômé en Energétique
  • Collège Notre Dame D'Afrique (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 1994 - 1998


Annuaire des membres :