

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Technical Engineer Training
Measurement While Drilling
Horizontal Wells
Directional Drilling
Onshore Oil & Gas
Offshore Oil & Gas
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Formation Evaluation
Develop knowledge
Daily monitoring and maintenance
Computers Maintenance


  • Drilling and Measurement (D&M) - Senior Field Specialist

    2007 - 2016 : Drilling and Measurement (D&M), MLWD, Senior Field Specialist assigned to Deep Water Jobs.
    Company : SCHLUMBERGER
    Contract type: Home Country Resident (HCR), MLWD Cell Manager
    Objective : Sail with Drill ship Tungsten Explorer from Port Elizabeth to POG, while preparing MLWD Job
  • Drilling and Measurement (D&M) - Senior Field Specialist

    2007 - 2016 Company : SCHLUMBERGER
    Contract type: Home Country Resident (HCR)
    Objective : Drill wells and provide to the Client all the formation evaluation properties
    Background : ``Measuring and Logging While Drilling'' Specialist
  • SCHLUMBERGER Well Services - Insdustrial Trainee

    2007 - 2007 : Storage of chimicals in the warehouse and destruction of empty drums
    Contract type: Technical Engineer Training
    Objective : Find a company that can destroy the empty drums healthily and at lower cost
  • Africa Number 1 - Computer Maintainer

    2006 - 2006 : Daily monitoring and maintenance Computer and Audio equipment.
    Contract type: Technical Engineer Training ,


  • Eurocenter

    Cape Town 2007 - 2007 Certificate in English Language
  • Ecole Polytechnique De Masuku - USTM (Franceville)

    Franceville 2004 - 2007 Diploma

    Option: Electronic-Computer-Automatic, Polytechnical School of Masuku (EPM/USTM)


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :