Mes compétences :
Python Programming
EDF Energy
- Junior hydrogeologist
Paris2016 - 2016The Production and Exploitation Expertise and Inspection Center (CEIDRE) in EDF group contributes to safety, quality and competitiveness of EDF production installations (including all electric energy installations) in different area. Hydrogeology is one of them.
Junior hydrogeologist in geology-geotechnic department in EDF - Aix-en-Provence
- Development of the 3D hydrogeological model of a nuclear plant using ModFlow
- Defining hydrodynamic features by analyses data from reconnaissance studies (aquifer test, well drilling, dye tracing, ...)
- Building a numerical model modeling geological layers and flow obstacles
- History matching from piezometric chronicles
Technical skills:
- Analytical mind
- synthetical mind
- use of QGis: Geographic Information System software
- use of ModFlow: water flow modeling and simulation software
Human skills:
- adaptability
- learning
- relational skills
- Junior researcher
Fribourg2014 - 2014LEMTA is the European theoretical and applied mechanic and energy laboratory. This project was part of the France and Germany project H2STORE which concerns simulation on hydrogen storage with taking into account the presence of methanogenesis bacteria in underground hydrogen storage.
Junior Researcher in Transfert and Energy team in LEMTA lab.
- Implementation of a program to convert numerical formats from Eclipse (flow simulation software ) grid to DuMux
- Implementation of a program to convert numerical formats from ParaView visualization software to TecPlot
- Implementation of a program displaying a variable against time graph (doesn’t exist in DuMux software)
Technical skills
- Logic
- Analytical mind
- Use of Matlab programming software and Excel macros
- Use of Excel macros
Human skills
- Communication
- Patience
- Self-denial
- Stage terrain socle
2013 - 2013stage sur terrain métamorphiques et magmatiques
* cartographie ;
* observations macroscopique et microscopiques ,
- Stage terrain sédimentaire
2013 - 2013terrain sédimentaire :
* cartographie d'un secteur de 13 km 2
* hypothèses sur le milieu de dépôt
* observations macroscopiques et microscopiques