Aeschliman et Associés
- Rural Development Consultant
2008 - maintenant
Vientiane, Lao PDR, Nov. 2008 to present . Carried out short-term rural development program development assignments, as well as micro and rural finance consultancies:
* Working for a Lao NGO, assisted a Vientiane, Lao PDR, clinic to write a $13 million business plan for its transformation into the country's first private sector-owned hospital.
* Designed lending procedures and developed loan portfolio management database for UEMOA's new Fonds Régional de Développement Agricole (FRDA) as part of an FAO regional project in West Africa. Assignment also included preparation of a 10-year financial planning model for the FRDA and drafting of the terms of reference for a dozen studies related to the FRDA in the ``Espace UEMOA.''
* Added new functionality to the previously-developed agricultural loan assessment tool (``Ag Loan Analyzer'') for the Frankfurt (Finance) School and FAO, including drafting of a detailed user manual.
* In a separate consultancy with the FAO's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (``RAP'') in Bangkok, further enhanced the Ag Loan Analyzer and integrated it into the FAO's leading financial software product, the ``MicroBanking System for Windows'' (MB Win), so that a loan application dossier opened in MicroBanker can now be imported into the Ag Loan Analyzer, studied, its terms modified as appropriate, and returned to MB Win before disbursement.
* Research and drafting of parts of a project proposal for Haiti for the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU). ;
Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa
- Investment Officer & Country Representative
2006 - 2008
Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), November 2006 to October 2008 . Duties include assistance to sub-region member countries in the formulation (and especially the costing) of bankable agricultural investment projects (principally in collaboration with International Banks), in the area of rural and microfinance, particularly for regional economic integration organizations (CEMAC, CEEAC, UEMOA) in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects, development of Microsoft Access and Excel databases and other office automation tools, and in improving management of farmer-based organizations, including surveys and building of FBO databases in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. Involved considerable exposure to Avian Influenza and HIV/AIDS, as focal point for FAO in multi-agency HIV/AIDS task force (I have also led the development of a UN joint programme in Equatorial Guinea). Transferred from Libreville, Gabon, to Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from March to September 2008, where I assumed the additional duties of FAO Representative to Equatorial Guinea, quickly building a new, multimillion dollar project portfolio from scratch with a very limited staff, and working extensively with other accredited UN agencies as an active member of the U.N. Country Team (UNCT), funding agencies and Government ministries. ;
The United Nations
- Marketing Officer
2001 - 2006
* 1. Rural Finance and Marketing Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, April 2001 to November 2006 . Duties include project development, monitoring, and evaluation; capacity building; computerized bookkeeping and monitoring systems development based on the FAO/GTZ Microbanking System for Windows (MB Win); technical assistance to member countries throughout Africa in the areas of rural finance and marketing; development of various databases and IT tools (in MS Access) for FAO and partner institutions; and conduct of studies of particular sectors (e.g., rural finance sectors in The Gambia, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde and Benin, oil palms, trader finance and aquaculture in Ghana, livestock marketing in the Gambia, and export promotion in Liberia). Liaison with leading micro and rural finance networks (AFRACA, AFMIN, etc.) in the Africa region, including WOCCU, credit unions, SACCOs and other networks of cooperative and non-cooperative financial institutions and MFIs. Also led efforts to strengthen of fish farmer associations in Ghana, including improving the associations' financial management and helping them build marketable business and financial plans. Research on specific topics in rural finance and marketing and their presentation at international and national conferences. In 2006, carried out an in-depth study of Caisses Populaires' rural finance products and practices in Burkina Faso for the World Bank. Also carried out comparative analysis of rural micro finance in Africa and presented it to a workshop in the DRC. Developed a computerized agricultural loan application assessment and credit scoring tool ("Ag Credit Analyzer") inspired by the Bankakademie International's agricultural credit manual.
* "Le Financement des Intrants Agricoles", paper presented to IFDC soil fertility workshop in Lomé, Togo, Nov. 2004. ;
* ``Me Mpot Bassaá: A Basic English/Bassaá Survival Dictionary & Grammar'', a general description the structure and grammar of the Bassaá language of Cameroon, and an English-Bassaá and Bassaá-English reference dictionary, integrating a Bantu language font with Windows-based database (MS Access) software, September 2004.
* "Les Institutions Faîtières", March 2004, for rural finance conference in Praia, Cape Verde.
* "Réflexions sur le Cadre Juridique et Réglementaire des Institutions de Financement Rural", March 2004, for rural finance conference in Praia, Cape Verde. ;
* ``Technical Report on Marketing and Rural Finance'' (following a project identification mission in The Gambia), analyzing current status of livestock marketing and rural finance in the country, March 2003.
World Education, Inc.
- Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
1999 - 2001
* Developed and put in place EduBase, a database to manage quarterly performance and governance information from over 700 community primary schools supported by WEI with USAID funding, Bamako, Mali, January 2000. Also assisted WEI in putting in place another database to manage its Bambara language adult literacy programme.
* Assist the PIYELI microfinance institution, a young MFI modeled on K-REP as a lender to solidarity groups of female micro-entrepreneurs, to improve its accounting systems using the Microbanker and QuickBooks software and in the development of a modern MIS. Used database software to develop add-ons to the Microbanker and QuickBooks software to generate financial and statistical reports, analyses and charts not built into Microbanker by the FAO. Also assisted PIYELI to develop a computer-based long-term financial planning system and directed the process of developing PIYELI's new five-year development plan and proposals to multiple donors.
* Directed the activities of the young JIGIYASO credit union network, including recruitment and training of an eight-person federation staff supervising 17 credit unions. Complete overhaul of policies and procedures, leading to significant acceleration in growth and financial soundness. Development of computerized (database) monitoring tools applauded by the central bank. Helped JIGIYASO to prepare a four-year development plan and proposals to multiple donors.
* Design and train Malian staff in the development of program monitoring and evaluation tools, including data collection instruments, design and implementation of database systems, and training of staff in their use. Mastered, introduced and trained WEI/Mali staff in use of French language versions of Microsoft Office and Lotus productivity software. Developed systems to monitor and rate the performance of multiple NGO partners, including a performance index. ;
World Council of Credit Unions
- Project Development Officer
1996 - 1999
* Home Office and on-site field research, analysis and proposal preparation for new projects in Guinea (sold to the French Caisse Française de Développement), Kenya (successful USAID IGP), Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Cameroon, Madagascar, Trinidad & Tobago, Uzbekistan (USAID IGP), Romania (USAID IGP) and South Africa.
* Conducted formal evaluations of field projects (WOCCU Niger Project and the French AFD-supported Crédit Rural de Guinée (CRG) project, the latter for the World Bank). Used CGAP microfinance institution (MFI) assessment methodology to assess CRG and other MFIs in Guinea. Also led team of volunteers from Louisiana Credit Union League to carry out evaluation of the South African credit union movement.
* Technical assistance to WOCCU projects and member organizations worldwide in the area of credit union performance monitoring and rating systems (systems definition & development at Home Office, installations in Kenya, Niger, Malawi, Togo & Madagascar.
* Developed innovative project database to capture past, present and future WOCCU projects and monitor new project development. ;
World Council of Credit Unions
- Director, Special Projects and Technology Affairs
1994 - 1996
Conseil Mondial de Coopératives d'Epargne et de Crédit (WOCCU)
- Acting Director of Finance
1994 - 1994
. Conducted financial reorganization and developed integrated WOCCU budget model resulting in elimination of $600,000 structural annual budget deficits.
* Managed WOCCU's worldwide credit union computerization programs
* Despite considerable initial in-house skepticism about the possibility of developing simple, user-friendly credit union software, sought and obtained grant funding, and developed it into a credible and profitable product in both English and French for the African market, and supervised African technical staff involved.
* Managed an FAO grant to prepare a credit union-compatible version of the FAO's MicroBanker banking software.
* Performed comparative studies of various financial software programs for MFIs.
* Designed, tested and documented a data base approach to preparing and monitoring WOCCU's annual business plans.
* Managed the design work of a complete Management Information System (MIS) for WOCCU.
* Supervised and directed staff responsible for the smooth functioning of WOCCU's Netware-based local area network. Pioneered, successfully advocated and led the conversion of WOCCU's LAN from DOS to Windows.
* Designed, tested, documented and trained WOCCU and African staff in the use of the WOCCU's state-of-the-art CUdBASE (PEARLS) computerized credit union monitoring and rating system.
* Acted as ex-officio member of WOCCU's Africa team, setting up E-Mail at all project sites in Africa, heading up project evaluations in the region, and training WOCCU & African staff in more effective use of computer technology, most particularly the CUdBASE credit union monitoring system and automation of periodic progress reports. ;
- Credit Union Systems Specialist
1990 - 1994
* Managed WOCCU's French--speaking West & Central African projects, and was responsible for project development, monitoring and evaluations and other assistance to this region (including Cameroon, Togo, Senegal, Niger, Zaïre and Bénin) and to other regions, including the conduct of project evaluations in the Philippines and in India. Designed $8 million Niger project, WOCCU's biggest-ever award. Participated actively in PARMEC credit union improved regulation process.
* Responsible for the design, development, documentation and transfer to WOCCU projects and African credit union organizations of data base, MIS, financial planning, electronic monitoring and rating systems, semi-automated project progress reporting systems, and other technology transfer to credit union movement institutions worldwide. Transferred WOCCU's innovative PEARLS credit union monitoring system from its beginnings as a clumsy spreadsheet to a much more flexible database platform.
* For a second time, acted as Interim WOCCU Director of Finance during an extended vacancy in that position. ;
Togo Credit Union
- Management Advisor & Project Chief of Party
1983 - 1990
Togo Credit Union Development Project, World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU),
* Supervised WOCCU's on--site technical assistance team and acted as principal advisor to the Togolese National Credit Union Federation (FUCEC--TOGO) Board of Directors, Management and staff.
* Successfully maintained congruence between the federation, multiple donors and at-times hostile local authorities. Maintained close contact with USAID and official U.S. community, and helped USAID prepare quarterly PIR reports to Washington. Assured that all donor procurement, travel and other regulations and reporting requirements were observed.
* Transformed small credit union promotion committee into a $1,000,000 asset national cooperative federation, an enterprise serving over 120 credit unions nationwide.
* Conceived, marketed and implemented highly--successful rural savings mobilization scheme, leading to spectacular growth: membership rose from 6,000 to 18,000 and savings and annual loan volumes from under $100,000 to over $5 million (over 1 billion CFA francs) over a seven year period. The system developed eventually was adapted and adopted as WOCCU's principal worldwide strategy (the ``model credit union'' approach).
* Mastered and introduced appropriate French--language microcomputer systems to improve FUCEC--TOGO's efficiency, control and service capability, including Federation payroll and financial reporting systems using Lotus 123 and dBASE, DOS and Windows-based word processing (WordPerfect), the conception and operationalization of an innovative Management Information System (MIS) permitting timely identification of nascent problems in credit unions, as well as the development of integrated reporting templates permitting up--to--the--minute quarterly project progress reports highly appreciated by the project's multiple donors and other project participants. Against considerable WOCCU Home Office opposition, successfully advocated and spearheaded the development of the MFI software package which came to be known as InfoCoopec (now ceded to the South African firm DBS, and re-issued as ``eMerge.''
* Trained Federation Board & Staff in use of modern personnel management, planning and monitoring techniques and analysis, as well as in accounting, credit, audit and financial management systems.
* Revamped credit union accounting system and trained staff and volunteers in its use, using a "train--the--trainer" approach. Went from a situation where practically no credit unions had sound accounting systems to one where nearly all credit unions produce at least quarterly and in most cases monthly financial statements, pay market rates of interest on savings, and set up adequate bad debt reserves, thus assuring a high level of solvency.
* Designed and implemented a new Federation accounting system permitting monthly financial statements, budget reports for all operating departments and multiple donors, consolidated reports and other management reports; and development of a microcomputer--based project funds accounting system now used by other WOCCU projects. ;
- Director of Finance
1981 - 1983
* Manage WOCCU's finances and, in particular, its USAID--funded projects.
* Integrated accounting systems of the then newly--merged CUNA Global Projects Office (GPO) with that of the World Council.
* Developed an effective Home Office microcomputer--based field project management system for WOCCU to comply with USAID and other donor regulations. ;
Credit Union National Association, Inc.
- Intermediary Finance Specialist
1976 - 1981
* Designed and successfully marketed multimillion dollar rural finance projects to donors in Cameroon, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Haïti and Togo, and participated in other project designs, evaluation and studies. ;
Peace Corps
- Volunteer
1969 - 1973
* Peace Corps Volunteer, Bamenda, Republic of Cameroon, 1969--1973 . Advised and trained Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League Manager and staff, supervised 45 credit unions, trained credit union staff and leaders, and designed and documented accounting, auditing, and credit systems.
* 8. Various part--time positions, consultancies and summer jobs: