Mes compétences :
Trend Analysis
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 9x
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
TU München
- Research assistant
2008 - 2011Main research: Alpine phenology, Phenological modeling, Lagrangian Particle Research
Dispersion Modeling, Trend Analysis, Changes in Pollen Seasonality. assistantship
Research project: `Impacts of Climate on Pollen Season and Distribution in the
Alpine Region' U119.
TU München (Muenchen)
Muenchen2008 - 2013Doctor of Philosophy
Ph.D. degree in Natural Sciences · Chair of Ecoclimatology. Natural Sciences
Grade: Magna cum laude.
Thesis: Influence of Recent Global Change on the Pollen Season in Europe.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel & Prof. Dr. Donna Ankerst
Università Degli Studi Di ROMA La Sapienza (Roma)
Roma1999 - 2007Master Degree
`Laurea' Degree in Physics · Physics Department.
Marks: 105/110.
Thesis: Study of Biologically Effective UV Radiation (Vitamin D Production and
Erythema) as a Function of Atmospheric Parameters.
Advisors: Dr. Anna Maria Siani & Dr. Marco Cacciani