Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés
- Directrice Exécutive
2015 - maintenant
Le Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés est un sanctuaire qui recueille et réhabilite des chimpanzés orphelins confisqués par les autorités guinéennes.
Les objectifs du centre sont d'offrir un sanctuaire aux orphelins qui répond à leurs besoins socio-écologiques, de relâcher dans la nature les individus jugés aptes, de collaborer avec les autorités locales et nationales ainsi que les ONG partenaires afin de préserver les populations de chimpanzés sauvages et leur habitat et de sensibiliser les populations à l'importance de la protection de l'environnement et de la biodiversité.
Je suis responsable de tous les aspects du projet, je gère le travail quotidien de l'équipe du Centre, composée d'une quinzaine de travailleurs locaux aidée par une douzaine de volontaires expatriés, en collaboration avec les managers. Je suis l’interlocutrice des autorités guinéennes et de nos partenaires internationaux, avec qui je collabore pour la recherche de financements.
Pan Africa Sanctuary Alliance PASA
- Development and Program Consultant
2013 - 2014
- Traductrice
2011 - 2015
Translation and review of translations (English/French) of documents related to great apes/primates conservation. I work with PASA, IUCN and other smaller conservation NGO and projects.
Traduction et révision de traduction anglais-français de documents relatifs a la conservation des grands singes. Je travaille avec PASA, l'IUCN et d'autres ONG plus petites de conservation.
Projet Primates France
- Présidente
2008 - 2014
It's a volunteer position which involves management of the association: daily managment, fundraising, grant writing, preparation of budgets, PR, relations with donors, members, sponsors (Fondation Brigitte Bardot, Fondation Nature et Découvertes, Fondation Le Pal Nature), Newsletter redaction (3- 4 per year), Supervision of sensitization activities in France. This association aims to support financially and logistically the Chimpanzee Conservation Center in Guinea, which is a sanctuary where orphan chimpanzees are rescued and rehabilitated, in close collaboration with the Guinean government. The association is also involved in education and sensitization programs in Europe to raise awareness about the threats primates are facing in the wild.
Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés, GUINEE
- Vet advisor
2007 - 2014
Advisor for all important managerial decisions
In situ manager several months per year (3 months in 2009; 5 months in 2008 including preparation of the 2008 release and release of 12 chimpanzees the 27th of June 2008)
Fundraising, volunteers recruitment, equipment and medicines shipment to the CCC
Different web sites and blogs management to promote CCC activities
Scientific papers co-writing
Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés, GUINEE
- Manager / Vétérinaire
2000 - 2007
. Management of local (4 to 12) and volunteers’ teams: organization of daily work and annex activities (education campaign, Park protection, release preparation, scientific research, etc.) and logistics (supplies, enclosure, supplies, etc.)
• Human resources management (recruitment, management of annual releases/récupérations, salaries, etc.)
• Accountancy and daily financial management
• Management of infrastructures building (cages, enclosures, buildings) : design, recruitment and management of workers, building supervision
• Chimpanzees confiscation with local authorities, transport and care upon arrival in quarantine (24h/day if necessary)
• Daily chimpanzees health monitoring (prevention + treatment), and local team health monitoring
• Keepers vet-training
• Relations with the National Park local authorities and government
Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés, GUINEE
- Vétérinaire volontaire
1999 - 2000
Volunteer veterinarian. I implemented veterinarian protocols and quarantine procedures for the sanctuary. I also acted as a basic volunteer to help the local team of keepers in the daily care of the chimpanzees.