En 2014, nous créons la Fabrique du Ski, à Saint Pierre de Chartreuse, en Isère. Un atelier de Fabrication, une marque...
Dans le respect des traditions de production et de développement des produits,
Avec des matériaux et des machines d'origine Française.
From 2012
RAMP SPORTS, Technical director (www.rampsports.com) // PARK CITY - USA
- Creation of a Brandnew ski and snowboard Factory based on a new process.
New factory concept: No investment is required for a new product..
- R&D manager: Creation of the entire Ramp ski and snowboard range from nothing to the saleable products.
In 2013: Launch of Skateboard range made in Ramp's Factory.
From 2010 to 2012
WEDZE (Decathlon group), innovation and workshop manager (www.wedze.com) // DOMANCY - FRANCE
- Workshop manager: Supervision of a technical team, prototyping soft goods (Apparel, bags…) and hard goods (ski/snowboards, sledges…)
- Innovation manager: Coordination and project management on all the brand activities.
Creation of product plan for the next 5 years.
From 2008 to 2010 KADAKUSTOM, Freelance: . (www.kadakustom.com)
2009/2010 : Development and production management of RAMp brand new collection (6 ski models). (www.rampsports.com)
2008/2009 : Project management for a water sports brand:
- Development of a new method of paddles decoration.
2008 : Project management for a brand manufacturer of cities illuminations:
From 2006 to 2008: HIONA Inspiration SAS, Technical manager: Product development.
- Development of an innovative method for decoration of finished skis and snowboards.
- Creation of the company KaOrigin: Online sales of skis and snowboards custom decorated on demand. (www.kaorigin.com)
From 2003 to 2006 : Skis ROSSIGNOL SAS, Research & innovation manager: ski and snowboard industry.
- Supervising Team of 5 Engineers having Master’s degrees in engineering .
- Creation of innovation process: From the idea to the consumer.
From 2001 to 2003 : Skis ROSSIGNOL SAS, Research Engineer
Forward-looking project manager.
6 major patents in production on product decoration and ski designs.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet