
Christian BOIS


En résumé

2018 Phage Health Gate exploration

1. superbugs kill or lead to amputation or invalidation millions of people
2. phage therapy was used thousands years ago, is part of academic research since 1917, has cured people from then onward
3. governments don’t allow the use of à la carte phage therapy in hospitals
4. people have to travel to Russia, Poland, Georgia, Romania, etc. to save their lives, limbs or organs with phage therapy
5. or find clandestine places to be cured in their own country.
I explore the matter in an anthropologic perspective :
- factory paradigm people have their " routines " - typically, people who work on antibiotics
- the routines of the garage paradigm - à la carte phage culture - are very, very different
- the dialog is quasi impossible especially at the government level

Mes compétences :
Recherche clinique


  • Une Fabrique de communs - Phage project manager

    1986 - maintenant Exploring the issues of the Phages Health Gate.


Pas de formation renseignée

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