Christian Gaillard is a doctor of psychology (Sorbonne-ParisVII and EPHE), training analyst, supervisor and former president of the French Society of Analytical Psychology, former president of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, professor and director of research at the Institut de l’Environnement, Paris, then professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (National Academy of Fine Arts) in Paris till 2007, lecturer at many universities in France and elsewhere and at the Institut C. G. Jung in Paris. He founded and directed the Cahiers de Psychologie de l’Art et de la Culture, was for a long time co-chief editor of the Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse, and is now member of the international editorial teams of the Journal of Analytical Psychology (London/NewYork), of Anima (Florence), of the Jung Journal. Culture and Psyche (San Francisco) and of the Rivista di Psicologia Analitica (Rom), and was scientific advisor for the 24 articles of Analytical Psychology published in the Dictionnaire International de la Psychanalyse, A. de Mijolla ed., Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 2002. He has published many essays in these journals and in other collective books, and recently, among other works, Jung at the Presses Universitaires de France, 6th edition 2013 (this book is published in eight languages), Le Musée imaginaire de Carl Gustav Jung, Paris, Stock, 1998 (this book is translated into Italian), Les Evidences du corps et la vie symbolique, Paris, ENSBA, 2000, Donne in mutazione. Saggi di psicoanalisi dell'arte, Bergamo, Moretti e Vitali, 2000, “La Psychanalyse jungienne” in Psychanalyses, psychothérapies: les principales approches, M. Elkaim éd., Paris, Le Seuil, 2003, “The arts” in The Handbook of Jungian Psychology, R. Papadopoulos ed., London and New York, Routledge, 2006 (this book is translated into Italian), L'Inconscient créateur. A propos du Libro dei sogni de Federico Fellini, avec Lella Ravasi Bellochio, Bergamo, Moretti e Vitali, 2009 (this book is also published in Italian).
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