
Christian MANCAS


En résumé

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  • DATASIS ProSoft srl - PDG

  • International WHO´S WHO of Proffessionals - Membre

    2006 - maintenant - Biography included in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2006, 1618, ISBN 0-8379-1136-2) and Who’s Who in Science and Technology (2006-2007, 1357, ISBN 0-8379-5767-2)

    - 1 published (ISBN 973-614-051-2) book (SQL Programming) and 2 in press, to be published by Ovidius University Press (Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying and The Relational Data Model)

    - 4 published scientific papers included in the DBLP Bibliography Server; the last one (2006), also included in the ACM Digital Library

    - over 32 published scientific papers (including International Conferences in U.S.A., Austria, Greece, Slovakia, Romania)

    - over 20 published reviews in ACM Computing Reviews, New York (

    - Program Committee Member of SEA 2007, the 11th IASTED Software Engineering and Applications Conference, to be held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., November 19-21, 2007

    - Program Committee Member of SEA 2006, the 10th IASTED Software Engineering and Applications Conference, held in Dallas, TX, U.S.A., November 13-15, 2006

    - Database Design, Architecture, and Management Systems Session Chairman at the IASTED Database and Applications DBA 2006 Conference, held February 13-15 2006 in Innsbruck, Austria

    - Program Committee Member of SEA 2005, the 9th IASTED Software Engineering and Applications Conference, held in Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A., November 14-16, 2005

    - Program Committee Member of IKS 2003, the 2nd IASTED Information and Knowledge Sharing Conference, held in Scottsdale, AZ, U.S.A., November 17-19, 2003

    - Databases and Data Mining II Session Chairman at the IASTED Software Engineering and Applications SEA2003 Conference, held November 3-5 2003 in Marina del Rey, CA

    - Program Committee Member of BCI 2003, the 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics (collocated with the 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics), held in Thessaloniki, Greece, November 21-23, 2003

    - Reviewer for IASTED Applied Informatics AI2003 Conference, held February 10-13 2003, in Innsbruck, Austria

    - Data Mining, Elicitation, and Knowledge Representation Session Chairman at the IASTED Information and Knowledge Sharing IKS 2002 Conference, held November 18-21 2002 in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

    - Reviewer for IASTED Software Engineering and Applications SEA2002 Conference, held November 4-6 2002, in Cambridge, MA
  • DATASIS ProSoft srl - PDG et unique actionnaire

    2002 - maintenant Design and implementation of extensions to VisualStock, a stock application of IER, France (a Bollore Group company member), using Opalix (for programming radio portable terminals), C, C++, Delphi, SQL Server, Oracle, as well as audio-video surveillance firmware and software for the French Digital Mobile Systems and U.S. TAW Security companies. Architecture, design, and implementation of the IER Qualiboo, VisualChain family of products (including Visual Stock, Visual Livraison, Visual Placier, Visual Vente, Visual Pocket, etc.), Guilbert and Filminger Visual Stock database and Windows services for their web sites, and many other applications that are client-server, both for PCs and PocketPCs, using C#, ASP.NET, XML, and SQL Server 2000. Same thing for the outsourced UK Microlise products, plus SQL Reporting, mainly in the Fleet and Distribution Portfolio. Architecture, design, and implementation of the 7th version of MatBase, using C#, XML, and SQL Server. Design and implementation of Roxy inn web site.
  • Universite Ovidius Constanta - Professeur

    1999 - maintenant Ph.D. Professor. Courses and labs on:

    - Conceptual Data and Knowledge Modeling and Querying (advanced Entity-Relationship, Relational, Functional, Elementary Mathematical, and Logical Data Modeling; inter-models translation algorithms, hierarchies, and equivalences; concurrency control, transaction, backup and recovery, security, B* index files, query optimization, meta-catalogs, API; SQL, QBE, DAPLEX, DATALOG, LDL, Coral, and C#; Access 2002, ORACLE 9i, DB/2, MS SQL, Sybase SQL, CAOpenIngres, Tandem NonStop SQL), in Romanian (for IT Master of Science students).

    - Databases (fundamentals of Entity-Relationship, Relational, and Elementary Mathematical Data Modeling; SQL, QBE, and VBA; Access 2002, ORACLE 8i, DB/2, MS SQL), both in Romanian and English.

    - Algorithms & Data Structures (Object-Oriented, Top-Down, Structured Design; Lists, Queues, Stacks, Trees, Graphs; Searching, Sorting; labs using VisualStudio C++), both in Romanian and English.

    - Software Applications (Business Analysis, Multi-User Distributed Applications Architecture Design, Implementation, Testing, and Administration, Entity-Relationship, Relational, and Elementary Mathematical Data Modeling; SQL, QBE, and Visual Basic for Applications; Access 2002) in Romanian.
  • DATASIS Consult srl - PDG et co-actionnaire

    1993 - 2002 Co-Founder and owner, C.E.O.
    Relational Data Bases; Design, Assembly, Configuration & Support of LANs, PCs, and Peripherals. Internet. IT consulting and post graduation courses. Intel e-Business Partner; Microsoft, Symantec, Novell, and AutoDesk authorized dealer. Design and implementation of middleware between radio portable terminals and SQL Server and Access dbs for the French ActSyst company, audio-video surveillance firmware and software for the French CODEM Technologies company, as well as consulting, management, and accounting applications for Romanian, Irish, Greek, Lebanese etc. companies.
  • I.I.R.U.C. Service SA - Chef Recherche-Developement, Centre Informatique

    1977 - 1991 Programmer, programming team leader, analysis and programming manager, and R&D manager. Compilers and Translators, Parser Generators, Relational Data Bases, Conceptual Data Modeling, Object Oriented DBMS.
  • Universite Polytechnique de Bucarest - Proffesseur associé

    1977 - maintenant Associated Ph.D. Professor. Courses and labs on:

    - Operating Systems (Processes and Synchronization, CPU Scheduling, Deadlocks, Memory and Virtual Memory Management, File System Interface and Implementation, I/O Systems, applications to Windows 2003/Vista/XP and Red Hat Linux) in English.

    - Advanced Operating Systems (Mass Storage Structure, Distributed Systems Structures, File Systems, and Coordination, Protection and Security, applications to Windows 2003/Vista/XP and Red Hat Linux) in English.

    - Computer Programming (OOP, Top-Down, Structured Design; Abstract Data Types; C#/C++/C, VBA, Pascal, Fortran, Assembler etc.) in Romanian.


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