
Christophe CHAUBET

Villeneuve d'Ascq

En résumé


With both an Engineer diploma and an advanced Master in Interrnational Project Management at ESCP Europe (in process), I have both technical and business backgrounds.
I took part into many empowering projects such as the expansion of Decathlon in Asia, an optimization of a Hospital's energetic consumption or a solo backpacking trip in south America. These endeavors reinforced my adaptability and strengthened my strategic thinking as well as my organizational skills. Furthermore, thanks to these experiences, I developed my interpersonal skills andability to operate in multicultural environments.

Hence, I am now seeking a position dealing with project management, in an international environment, ideally in the transportation or Energy sectors. A position that will enable me to use both backgrounds is what I am looking for. I am convinced that the various skills I acquired throughout my education and experiences, could be real assets for any company with a vision and values close to mine.

You can contact me by mail or by phone :
+33(6) 49 81 21 26

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office
Esprit d'équipe
Gestion de projets internationaux
Gestion de projet


  • Decathlon - International Corporate Project

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2016 - 2017 Project part of our advanced master at ESCP Europe

    - Analysed international business development challenges of Decathlon in India and China
    - Met managers in Mumbai and Shanghai to understand better the sporting goods markets and the strategic expansion of Decathlon in those countries
    - Formulated recommandations

    Objectives :
    • Implementing “On the field approach” to management issues of international business
    • Improving networking skills, creativity and resiliency
    • Practicing project management and team group dynamics
  • Air France KLM - Finance project

    Paris 2016 - 2016 Project part of our advanced master at ESCP Europe

    Financial, business and competitive analysis of Air France-KLM in order to identify the company strategic and operations management challenges.
  • L'Oréal - Internship - Product Development

    PARIS 2016 - 2016 Worked for the international development service of the Professional Products' Division

    • Managed projects development products for Decléor & Carita
    • Contributed to projects from the marketing brief to final industrialization (through the definition phase, design, prototyping and improvement)
    • Managed relationships with stakeholders (marketing, logistics, factory, suppliers, subcontractors)

    Results: I took over ongoing projects, launched and managed projects autonomously with a continuous focus on three KPIs:
    Price, Time and Quality of the final products
  • DALKIA - Consultant - Hospital's Energetic consumption

    Saint-André 2015 - 2015 Project part of our engineering training

    * Optimized a hospital’s consumption of gas
    * Identification of improvement opportunities to reduce energy consumption
    * On-site audit of energy consumption of prospective customer 

    Results: I contributed, with my two colleagues, to multiple initiatives such as invoice analysis, forecasts on the current heating season. We formalized potential savings and presented different proposals to the customer.
  • ICAM - Communication's manager of the Raid ICAM 2015

    2014 - 2015 What is Raid ICAM?
    It is a student association launched in the summer of 2014 in order to sponsor a friendly and sporting weekend for students and / or professionals - Budget = €18,000

    The first edition took place on the "Côte d'Opale" in very difficult conditions and saw 150 competitors competing (two levels: expert or adventure) : run & bike, mountain bike orientation, paddle, nocturne orienteering or nocturne VTT race within a village

    As a communications manager, I:
    - Establish an internal and external communication (flyers, posters, custom jacket for each member of our team, school newspaper etc ...)
    - Contact the sponsors
    - Organise internal (presentation of the association with challenges) or external events (meeting between participants in a bar etc ...)
    - Manage the registration of participants before and during the WE
    - In support of the President to manage the weekend
  • ICAM - Solo backpacking trip in South America

    2014 - 2014 Project part of our engineering training

    Self-financed, four-month trip in South America in 2014, travelling through Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia from the southernmost point of the continent (Ushuaia) to the northernmost point (Cabo de la Vela).
    CF Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iZVgvRfY20

    * Interesting interactions with locals and sharing of experiences
    * Ascension of a summit at 5200m and another at 6088m
    * 5-day survival trek in the Bolivian jungle : Search of food, construction of camps or even a raft to return to civilization
  • ICAM - Logistics Manager of the Gala ICAM 2014

    2013 - 2014 What is Gala ICAM?
    It's an evening gathering more than 2500 people in the premises of ICAM Lille - Budget = € 90 000.

    In charge of logistics, I:
    * Managed a team of 10 people and was in constant interaction with the other poles officials
    * Organized the schedule for: artists, interior/exterior animations, opening/closing facilities and for all the people involved in the organisation of the event
    * Was in charge of finding the suppliers and negociating the prices
  • Veolia Water - Technical Sales Internship

    Paris 2013 - 2013 • Studied the implementation of water fountain supply in response to a call for tender
    • Worked successfully with staff from different departments to achieve my goals
    • Contacted suppliers throughout Europe to have the best possible solution

    Results: I initiated the project with a market study and complied a comparative study of the possible solutions that we could implement in Rhône-Alpes.
  • Tarvel - Worker Internship

    2012 - 2012 Worked on trucks, tractors, grinders and parts of various machines
    • Learnt to work as a team within the mechanical department composed of 15 mechanics
    • Assisted teams on the ground

    Results: I contributed to the maintenance of the different machines and I was in charge of my own projects.
  • La cabane - Waiter

    2011 - 2011 Waiter in Chamonix
  • The Pantry, UK - Waiter

    2010 - 2010 Waiter in Shrewsbury, UK.
  • Tennis Lyon III - Tennis Instructor

    2008 - 2011 * Coached children from 7 to 13 years old
    * Was in charge of a training program assisted by an assistant coach


  • ESCP Europe (Paris)

    Paris 2016 - 2017 Master in English - 30% foreign students
    International seminar: 1 month in Asia (Mumbai, Dubai and Shanghai) in total immersion.

    Advanced courses in connection with internationally renowned companies: Google, Airbus, Lafarge and others)
    - Digital transformation of organizations
    - Supply Chain Management
    - CSR and sustainability
  • Dalhousie University (Halifax)

    Halifax 2015 - 2016 Participation in various projects within the Process Engineering and Applied Science department Mentored by a team of PHD students.

    Thesis subject: Study of the influence of a coating on steel under corrosion effect
  • ICAM

    Lille 2011 - 2016 General Engineer

    * Wide range of disciplines covered linked to major projects such as product design or business creation project
    Examples : industrial engineering, computer science, law, marketing, Energy

    => An ICAM engineer is someone who understands the technical aspects of a project but especially who understands and knows how to manage the human aspects of it.


Annuaire des membres :