
Christophe VULLIEZ


En résumé

Over 20 years experience in LBO, Private Equity, Mezzanine, Private Debt, and Leverage Finance

- Dual expertise in equity and debt (mezzanine, unitranche, and senior debt)
- Origination, structuring, execution and management of investment opportunities
- Successful track record
- International experience (7 years)
- Investment Committee member, Board observer
- Fund raising of several funds
- Opening of a new market (for Bluebay, now known as Arcmont Asset Management)
- Workout / restructuring know-how

Mes compétences :
Private Equity
Dette Privée
Levée de fonds
Analyse financière


  • Diagonal Capital - Partner

    Paris (75000) 2020 - maintenant Family Office
    Diagonal Capital is the advisor to an evergreen investment company with substantial assets under management. The long term, diversified investment strategy is primarily focused on developed economies (mainly Europe and USA), in a few asset classes: private equity, real estate and opportunistic credit.
  • Bluebay Asset Management - Partner - Private Debt

    London 2015 - 2019 Head of France & Belgium - Responsible for the French speaking countries
    Opening of the French market for Bluebay
    Investment Committee member
    Deals origination and structuring
    Management of 3 people
    Unitranche, Mezzanine, PIK financing, and Equity co-investment
  • ARDIAN - Private Debt - Managing Director

    Paris (75000) 2007 - 2015 Deals origination and structuring
    Management of 4 colleagues
    Mezzanine, PIK financing, Unitranche, and Equity co-investment.
    Fund raising
  • AXA Investment Managers - Structured Finance - Portfolio Manager

    Nanterre (92000) 2006 - 2007 Debt fund creation in joint venture with Merril Lynch
    Leverage Finance, Senior Debt, Mezzanine

  • BNP Paribas Principal Investments - Private Equity Associate

    Paris (75000) 2005 - 2006 Private Equity (minority positions)
    Co-investments alongside Private Equity Sponsors
  • BNP Paribas - Leverage Finance associate

    Paris (75000) 2002 - 2005 Leverage Finance, Senior Debt
  • PAI - Paribas Affaires Industrielles - Analyst

    Hong Kong 2000 - 2002 Private Equity
    Growth capital



Annuaire des membres :