


En résumé

Electrical Engineer, I work as ICAPS and Commissioning Engineer on Offshore projects.

Ingénieur électrique de formation, je suis spécialisé ICAPS et Commissioning sur des projets offshores.

Mes compétences :


  • SDEL applimatic groupe VINCI - Électricien

    maintenant -Inventaire des équipements.
    -Optimisation de l'éclairage de la compagnie.
    -Peinture de tuyauterie.
    -Tirage de câbles sur la plateforme Chevron Oronite.
  • Cegelec groupe VINCI - Electricien industriel

    maintenant Tirage de câbles sur le site pétrochimique Exxon Chemical à Notre dame de Gravenchon.
  • SPIE OGS - Completion - ICAPS Coordinator

    Cergy-Pontoise 2015 - maintenant Shetland Gas Plant Project - TOTAL E&P UK

    Cergy-Pontoise 2014 - 2015 West Franklin project for TOTAL – Offshore
    - Extract and print-out daily / weekly progress and reporting for project management.
    - Ensure that each subsystem are cleared from punch list and has reached the ready for commissioning status or ready for start-up status.
    - Gather all punch lists and organize the clearance.
    - Keep update ICAPS database from modifications and progress on field.
    - Print-out formatted and compilation of RFC and RFSU to handover installations to operations.

  • SPIE OGS - ICAPS Engineer

    Cergy-Pontoise 2014 - 2014 OFON2-TOTAL NIGERIA
    EIFFAGE – Living quarter platform project OFQ.
    I provided help to EIFFAGES ICAPS leader for the preparation of precommissioning and commissioning folders to handover.
    I also replaced the Piping Precommissioning site leader for the compilation of test pack and organized activities to match with piping activities deadline.

  • SPIE OGS - Electrical engineer

    Cergy-Pontoise 2014 - 2014 Water treatment-Djeno-TOTAL
    I prepared and updated electrical documents for a project of water treatment plant extension in Congo.
    - Achievement of specifications and equipment requisitions.
    - Creation of equipment, cable lists and cross section schedule.
    - Review of the single line diagram, calculation notes, power balance and layouts.
    - Technical Analysis for equipment orders.
  • Spie OGS - ICAPS Administrator

    Cergy-Pontoise 2012 - 2014 Anguille Redeveloppement project for TOTAL – Offshore Gabon
    The purpose of the project was to increase barils production by revamping pumps, pipes, instruments and control system.
    I was following and reporting precommissioning activities and punch list for E&I and piping equipments.
    Helping for simops and shutdown work preparation (Materiel request, site survey, Jobcards…)
    - Prepare the Precommissioning activities under ICAPS database.
    - Database population and Precom / Com tasks creation and assignation.
    - Realize and Manage Precom & Com and Punch list dossiers.
    - Print-out formatted and compilation of RFC.
    - Extract and print-out daily / weekly progress and reporting for discipline and commissioning leader.
    - I created via ACCESS specific reports by subsystems/disciplines/subcontractors to follow up and control Precom & Com activities.
    - Keep update ICAPS database from modifications and progress on field.
    Ensure that each subsystem is cleared from punch list and has reached the ready for commissioning status or ready for start-up status.
    - Gather all punch lists and organize the clearance.
    - Ensure a particular tracking for punch list from entry and coordinate with construction team or others effective clearance on.

  • Cegelec Oil&Gas - Commissioning Engineer

    saint denis 2012 - 2012 New Control Room Project for TAKREER – Onshore Abu-Dhabi
    Revamping of the refinery, New control room and marshaling cabinets.
    Extension of PA, CCTV and F&G with up to date technologies.
    I was in a Commissioning team for TAKREER NCR project for precom/commissioning and startup of PA, CCTV, ESD, DCS and F&G systems.
    - Review of pre-commissioning / commissioning procedures.
    - Prepare the schedule of precommissioning / commissioning activities to match with the planning and milestones.
    - Provide coordination and technical assistance to teams on site.

  • Tacle Seating groupe LEAR - Designer

    2011 - 2011 I Designed and implemented a Poke yoke for an automotive assembly line.

  • Revima (76) - Technicien dans l’aéronautique

    2010 - 2010 I carried out the electrical preparation of landing gear for Airbus and BOEING.

  • Energie + Lillebonne (76) - Electricien Industriel

    2009 - 2009 -Tirage de câbles
    -pose de chemins de câbles
    -raccordement d'armoire électrique, moteur et valves motorisées (faible courant/ haut courant)
    sur le site ORIL à Bolbec et sur le site d'EDF au HAVRE.
  • INEO groupe GDF SUEZ - Technicien en bureau d'étude

    2009 - 2009 Responsable de la conception et du suivi des tests usine d'une plateforme automate.
  • ETDE groupe BOUYGUES - Electricien industriel

    2008 - 2008 Pose d'éclairage provisoire et câblage de transformateur électrique sur le site pétrochimique Exxon Chemical à Notre Dame de Gravenchon.


  • Polytech Nantes

    Nantes 2009 - 2012 Bachelor of Engineering (B.E)

    Option intégration des systèmes

    -Réalisation d'une carte de transmission de signal audio via fibre optique en utilisant un oscillateur résonant.

    -Président du bureau des sports
  • IUT Du Havre GEII

    Le Havre 2007 - 2009 DUT GEII

    Option génie électrique, math et physique renforcées

    Etude de comparaison sur la rentabilité des énergies renouvelables.

    Réalisation d'un régulateur de charge pour panneaux solaires.


Annuaire des membres :