Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Taiwan Group on Earth Observations
- Administrative secretary
2011 - 2013* coordinating and holding international conferences and meetings of general
assembly and administrative boards
* managing of the membership database and the bank accounts the organization,
and building up fiscal reports
* organizing the participation in the international forums
Coast Guard Administration
- Soldier
2007 - 2008Military Service in Coast Guard Administration in Taiwan
* Coastal inspection of Taiwanese vessels (registration and cargo)
* Monitoring waterways and the safety of tourists
Hsinchu2009 - 2011International Business Administration Program
• Learning French at the West Catholic University in Angers (09/2010 -06/2011)
• Depth knowledge of business correspondence and negotiations in English
• Specialized in English presentations, international business, marketing, economics
and accounting in the institute under the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan
National Chiayi University (Chia-Yi)
Chia-Yi2003 - 2007Bachelor's Degree
• Exchange student at Murray State University, USA (09/2006-06/2007)
• Specialized in translation, interpretation, linguistics and negotiating in English,
marketing , economics and management
• Second foreign language: French, Japanese