Com & Health - Groupe Complus
- Assistant Project Manager
2013 - maintenant
Au sein de la structure Santé Com&Health basée à Monaco
- Participation à la prise de brief client,
- Aide à la définition des axes de réflexion,
- Assistance à l'élaboration des campagnes publicitaires et des stratégies de communication - Veille concurrentielle et informationnelle,
- Suivi de projet (planning, devis, prestataires).
Clients : Bayer, Virbac, Ipsen, Genevrier...
New Frontiers Travel Recruitment
- Assistant of the Marketing Executive
2012 - 2012
Assisting with e-mail marketing; creation, sending & reporting of newsletters and eshots, social media management for job boards, web management, CV searches, market research, satisfaction survey, testimonials, monthly job report, accounting, logo design, holding Events : conferences and seminars.
Industrie Chalaisienne de Tôlerie (I.C.T.)
- Sales assistant in Management and Administration department
2011 - 2011
Accounting, invoicing, payroll, human resources, treasury, order processing with the SAGE software management, but also supplies and inventory management
Website: http://www.rangement-bureau-ict.fr