


En résumé

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  • DHR International - Research Associate

    2015 - maintenant Established in 1989, DHR International is one of the largest retained executive search firms in the world, with more than 50 offices around the globe. We conduct search assignments at the board of directors, C-level and functional vice president levels. DHR's renowned consultants specialize in all industries and functions in order to provide unparalleled senior-level executive search, management assessment and succession planning services tailored to the unique qualities and specifications of our select client base.

    As European Generalist Associate I work with Managing Directors and Consultants from all of Europe to fully understand client requirements. Also to develop efficient, effective and creative search strategies. I initiate first-round candidate contact, network with referral sources and effectively communicate the opportunity to contacted individuals.
  • BNP Paribas - Corporate & Retail Banking - - Account Manager

    2011 - 2014


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