


En résumé

Directrice Commerciale, experte en développement de nouveaux marchés Export, ayant une excellente capacité à développer des stratégies innovantes, assurant la croissance d’une entreprise.
Flexible, organisée et sensible aux besoins d´une clientèle internationale exigeante, je parle couramment le Français, l´Anglais, l´Allemand et le Suédois et j´ai quelques notions d´Espagnol.

Mes compétences :
Commerce international
Gestion de projet


  • Roth & Weber - International Sales Manager

    2015 - maintenant Rowe fabrique et développe des solutions pour l'impression et le façonnage de plans et documents grand format.
    Ma mission est de mettre en place un réseau de distributeurs sur la France et le Bénélux.
  • Prismaflex International - Sales & Exploitation Director Prismaflex Ab

    Haute Rivoire 2011 - 2015 Prismaflex provides hardware and printing solutions to outdoor advertisers, our company is listed on the stock market in France.
    In 2013, the 310 collaborators operating the 11 subsidiaries worldwide generated a turnover of 570MSEK.
    Our Export sales territories include: Central & Eastern Europe, Asia, Central & South America, Middle East and Africa.
    I am responsible for the Export subsidiary and report to our French mother company.
    Last year, by refocusing our organization we managed to grow our business significantly.
  • Heatex AB - Sales Area Manager

    2004 - 2010 On my arrival at Heatex AB in 2004, the French market was starting. My task was to establish business relationships with the Top Ten French Companies in our business. As a result of this success, Heatex AB has opened an office in France.

    - Sales growth for customers in France from one million to 9.2 million over four years
    - Negotiating with the French and Belgian "key accounts" at a senior management level
  • Crawford - Export Account Manager

    2003 - 2003 Crawford est le leader mondial des portes sectionnelles et équipements de quais de chargement.
    - Contrat à Durée Déterminée, suite à mon arrivée en Suède en avril 2003
    - Suivi des distributeurs en Allemagne, Turquie, Suisse et France
  • Pferd-Rüggeberg - Sales Manager

    2000 - 2003 Pferd-Rüggeberg France is a subsidiary of a large private German business group that is one of the leaders in supplying abrasives to the mechanical industry.

    I was responsible for back office functions with a team of four sedentary sales people.
    Our main responsibility was to support the French field sales staff with the handling of quotations, claims, and support.

    - Reorganization and Management of back office team dealing with the coordination of sales
    - Implementation of SAP R3 in the French subsidiary
  • Osram - Supply Chain Coordinator

    Molsheim 1998 - 2000 OSRAM produces and distributes a complete range of lamps. Our customers were in the retail trade.

    My task was to coordinate our production planning in Molsheim with our sales office in Munich
  • CID - Centrale Internationale de Distribution - Responsible for the import of goods from Asia

    1996 - 1998 CID is a retail chain that owns more than 20 outlets in France.

    CID had subsidiaries in Hong Kong and in Guangzhou (China). I was responsible for the service of taking home the goods (from Europe and Asia) to our two warehouses in France.

    This involved working with our suppliers and subsidiaries, selecting shippers and organizing transport (air/sea or truck) as well as negotiating with the banks when we received "letters of credit".

    An important part of this work was to verify that we were following the European rules concerning the importation of toys or textiles.

    - Organization of imports
    - Implementation of new business for the import division
    - Replacing our CEO in China
  • Saga France - Sales Area Manager

    Aéroport Roissy CDG 1993 - 1996 SAGA is one of the largest shippers in the maritime and air navigation.

    When I started as a salesperson at Saga, my responsibility was to develop the customer base. This I achieved and, after six months, became permanently employed. After sixteen months, I got the request from the director to open an office in Alsace, which I did with great success.

    - Establishment and development of a new client base
    - Establishment and management of an office in Strasbourg (2 people)


Annuaire des membres :