Claude Morand Fehr,
40 ans d’expérience dans l’industrie de la viande, et le négoce internationale des produits agroalimentaires. Ancien directeur de la Sibev, de filiales en Allemagne, Argentine, Australie, Afrique de l’est et australe pour de grands groupes: Sanders, Socopa, Marcotrade. Consultant auprès de Bruxelles, d’Institutions Financières Internationales ou groupes privés.
Has been General Manager of the previous French Livestock and Meat Marketing Board (SIBEV). He has various decades practice in the international food trade business, having worked in France, Germany, Switzerland, Latin America, Australia and East Africa: Head of dynamic Meat processing and marketing subsidiaries of leading international groups (SANDERS, Marcotrade, Socopa International). Founder of the International Meat Club; qualified in France as an ingenieur in food technology (Agro Paris Grignon & Arts et Metiers), and executive MBA (HEC/ CPA/Paris). Free punctual expert to the European Union, and to various private corporations or Financial Institutions.
Mes compétences :
Produits carnés