CERN Technology department - Electrical power converters group - Medium power converter section
- Power electronics engineer and Project leader of SPS-RF new powering
2015 - maintenant
The TE-EPC group is in charge of the design, development, procurement, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of electrical power systems for all accelerators, transfer lines, experimental areas and tests facilities at CERN.
Converter design is a major activity for MPC Engineers, as project leader of the SPS-RF new powering project I will provide High Voltage Power Supply for the radiofrequency system of the CERN SPS accelerator.
The global purpose of this project is to:
o Define the most suitable strategy for the transfer of the HVPS and in particular separate the RF control from the HVPS control,
o Propose a consolidation program for the SPS-200 HVPS,
o Provide a technical support for the follow-up of the tender “Transmitters of the new power amplifier for the SPS 200 MHz RF system”,
o Propose and draft technical, financial proposals documenting the global strategy,
o Ensure the effective reception, integration and commissioning of the HVPS within the TE-EPC environment
In parallel, I participate of stand-by service, measurements campaigns and troubleshooting of power converters. A large number of voltage and current source converters have been developed over the years to provide unprecedented current ratings with the strictest physics requirements.
CERN Engineering department - Electrical group - High voltage section
- Electrical substation project engineer
2013 - 2015
The EL group is responsible for the CERN electrical distribution network from 400kV to 400/230V. Its main missions are to operate, maintain, extend and renovate the network, analyse and make projections for CERN electrical energy consumption and manage relations with the energy suppliers.
During the CERN long shuntdown (2013-1014) as project leader I followed the renovation of two HV substations :
- Carry out the conceptual and detailed design studies for high voltage electrical substation 18 kV.
- Renovate substations 18 kV (16 HTA switcheargs with their protection systems and auxiliaries)
- Provide worksite supervision for the HV equipment installations (Cubicle, pulling cable, Distribution transformers, Protection relays).
- Following the substations comissionning (HTA switchgears test, HV cable test, protections injections, dc supply 48V).
In parallel, I managed these activities :
- Participation in a regular stand-by duty, including nights, Sundays and public holidays for CERN HV network intervention.
- Contribute to the preparation of the medium and long-term development studies of CERN’s electrical distribution network.
- Study the consequences and implications of network problems and failures.
- Establish network parameters and track their evolution.
- Carry out network analysis, load flow calculations and determine protection parameters.
- Work and interact effectively in multi-disciplined teams of engineers, physicists and technicians.
- Ingénieur d'études systèmes électriques
2011 - 2013
CAPSIM, bureau d'études indépendant spécialisé dans l'ingénierie de conception et simulation des systèmes électrotechniques et énergétiques complexes.
- Etudes de stabilité dynamique :Modélisation Gouverneur, Régulation d’excitation, Alternateur.
- Etudes de raccordement centrale de cogénération: Turbine Vapeur, Fiches RTE de 5 à 10.
- Analyses des réseaux électriques : Configuration d'exploitation, Icc, Load flow, Plan de protection.
- Modélisation thermique et bilan de puissances: Réseau vapeur centrale nucléaire, Circuit monohydrique, Générateur de vapeur, Turbine vapeur, Condenseur.
- Modélisation mécanique: Chaîne propulsive navale, Diesel alternateur marin.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Stagiaire au PPPL Princeton University (United States, New Jersey)
2010 - 2010
Modélisation électrique des courants de fuites des bobines de stabilisation du plasma (VS Coils) pour le projet ITER (Cadarache)
- Apprenti Ingénieur d'études réseaux électriques
2008 - 2011
- Dimensionnement d’équipements électriques haute tension (Câbles, Tableaux, Disjoncteurs, Transformateurs)
- Etudes de sélectivité (Analyse plan protection, validation protections électriques : relais, fusibles)
- Etudes des courants de court-circuit sites industriels
- Etudes d’écoulement de puissance et analyse des configurations d’exploitations réseaux HT
- Etudes Harmoniques (Analyse THD et IDH Courant/Tension, IEEE 519)
- Modélisation de réseau HT (NFC-13-200, IEC 60909, ANSI/IEEE Brown & Violet Book)