


En résumé

I am a Dry Bulk Shipbroker who has acquired an international profile with multiple experiences in Business Strategies Development across a range of industries including cosmetics, certification & conformity and commodities shipping.


  • A. BRODEUR M. CORBLET ET CIE - Dry Bulk Shipbroker

    2013 - maintenant Ship & Cargo Broker
    o Chartering dry bulk commodities between 1,000mts and 60,000mts (grains, coffee, non-ferrous metals, minerals, scrap, fertilizers) Coaster upto Panamax vessels size
    o Negotiation of terms as per Charter- parties (GenCon, Stemmor, Synacomex, Aphos) & Elaboration of COAs (Contract of affreightment)
    o Execution of shipping operations: contracts issuance, maritime law arbitration, transportation documents (Bills of Lading, Letter of indemnity, customs papers), update of ship’s positions

    Business Development and Market Analyst
    o Execution of commercial approaches (traders in commodities, ship owners, brokers)
    o Freight analyst (voyage and time charter reports for specific routes, hazardous goods chartering analyses)
    o Day-to-day market monitoring & analysis (Baltic Dry Index, bunker prices, commodities prices)
  • Bureau Veritas - Assistant Business Development GSIT UK & Ireland

    Puteaux 2012 - 2012 PIC Coordinator GSIT (Government Services & International Trade)
    o Worked on VOC (Verification of Conformity) programs. Checking conformity of the products related to the international and specific standards like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Tanzania and Russia .
    o Coordinate inspections of the products in the UK and in Ireland (milk powder, vehicle spare parts…)

    Business Development Assistant for UK & Ireland
    o Developing communication of the company by mailing and contacting new exporters and chambers of commerce
    o Main competitors (SGS, Intertek), supervising contact of important competitor’s clients.
    o Developing Bureau Veritas image and reputation in business meetings (Annual Dinner of Arab British Chamber of Commerce)
  • L'Oréal - Assistant of Business Development Director Indonesia

    PARIS 2010 - 2010 •Business Development Assistant for L’Oréal Salons in Jakarta
    o Developing marketing promotions based to studies of services companies (restaurants, SPA) for L’Oréal Hairdressers salons.
    o Events organization for L’Oréal Professional products and creation of new promotions interior design and services menu’s development for salons.
    •Assistant of Professional Products Division Director
    o Presentation of weekly reports of main competitors (Rudy Hadisuwarno) and their marketing strategies. Creation with graphic designers newsletters for Kérastase and Matrix products.
    o Development of new products on the market (study of indonesian people and their hair-type to create a shampoo adapted to customer needs).
  • TBWA France - Assistant Business Development in TBWA Europe/MAP

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2008 - 2008 •Assistant of Vice–Chairman of TBWA Europe
    o Providing finance reports of TBWA agencies in Europe, executing low-hanging fruits for actual and potential clients (Nivea, Mc Donald’s, Tesco).
    o Organization of a world business meeting in Boulogne Radisson Hotel. Creating PPT for TBWA/Europe managers.
    •Assistant in Advertising TBWA MAP
    o Working in an advertising project for Monoprix (developing distributor brand). Vox pop to understand customer needs.
    o Finding new competitors for BMW and Mini Cooper, tracking the competition and gathering market intelligence.
  • Taillevent - Cellarman and Seller in Caves Taillevent

    2007 - 2007 •Executive cellarman and Wine Steward assistant of Manuel Peyrondet (Best French Sommelier in 2008)
    o Organization of wine tasting in the caves for private and corporate clients (Salon S Champagne, Romanée Conti Burgundy domain, Pedro Ximénez spanish varietal wine with la Maison du Chocolat).
    o Providing daily wine stocks (around 50 000 bottles).
    •Wine seller in Caves Taillevent
    o Planning wine sales promotions, selling to private clients



Annuaire des membres :