


En résumé

My name is Clément VIGNAUD-DELAGE. I grew up in Angoulême, France. Student in engineering school by apprenticeship within the CESI. I work at Auto Wheels Industries, a French manufacturer of aluminum rims. I hold the position of maintenance methods trainee engineer.
My tasks are to perform fault history analysis, to deal with requests for supply of maintenance sectors, I follow up on preventive maintenance and I organize the works and maintenance projects.

In order to validate my diploma, I must complete a 3-month internship abroad.
This internship will begin early June 2017 and finish end of August 2017.

I hold a French high-school diploma in electrical engineering. I am studying electrical signals, component sizing, integrated circuit manufacturing and electrical card troubleshooting.
I hold a two-year technical degree in Industrial Maintenance.
So I have good basic technology (mechanics, electricity, electronics). More specifically I did project management, industrial troubleshooting, history failure listing.

In 2016, I was able to work in an electronics troubleshooting company. I created an information management system for battery chargers, measured instrument (voltmeter, generator, ammeter).
I also did electronic troubleshooting and industrial design. I appreciate it.

New technologies especially in the automotive sector and aviation attract and motivate me enormously.
I practice paragliding and football. I am passionate about nature and discovery of new cultures while traveling.

I am looking for an internship abroad, in the field of maintenance and industry.
I remain open to all proposals.

Résumé : http://www.opresume.com/clementvignauddelage/about

Mes compétences :
Analyse de données
Gestion de maintenance
Gestion de projet
Planned Maintenance
Continuous Improvement
Logical Thinking
Project Management
Microsoft Office


  • AR-Industries - Apprenti Ingénieur Maintenance

    2016 - maintenant Actuellement apprenti ingénieur Maintenance, je suis rattaché au Service Méthodes Maitnenance.
    Mes missions sont :
    • Apporter des supports techniques aux différents pôles maintenance (procédures, check-list, auto-maintenances, codifications).
    • Analyser et suivre les données des techniciens afin de tenir les indicateurs de maintenance à jours (ou en créer).
    • Planifier et suivre les travaux d’hiver et d’été.

  • Auto Roues Industries - Engineer

    2016 - 2019 * Creation and follow-up of preventive maintenance
    * Preparation and follow-up of major maintenance work
  • Cheasapeke Pharmaceutical Packaging - Stage BTS

    2013 - 2014 Stage de BTS Maintenance Industrielle, mes missions ont été :
    - Standardisation des armoires électriques du système de convoyage des machines de pliages (étude+fabrication)
    - Aménagement d'un poste dû a l'arrivée d'une nouvelle machine plus rapide ( etude, choix de solutions, commande de nouvelle installation, mise en place, suivi...)
  • Chesapeake packaging - Stage BTS Maintenance Industrielle

    2012 - 2014 * Maintenance department / Continuous improvement ;
    * Optimization of post (case packing)
    * Improvement of an assembly work station : Putting together cardboard boxes from a ` flat' support ;
    * Drive system optimisation of the box tape application machine


  • AR Industrie

    Angouleme 2016 - maintenant
  • EIA CESI Angoulême

    La Couronne 2016 - maintenant Ingénieur généraliste

    Enseignement : Méthodes de résolution de problème (PDCA), Apprentissage actif par projet (A2P2) , Méthode de l'ingenieur (SMART,AMDEC,5M5S,5P, LEAN ...)
    Formation sur 3ans, une mission a l'étranger de 3mois, 5 semaine d'initiation a la recherche dans un laboratoire.
  • EIA CESI Angoulême

    La Couronne 2016 - 2019 Masters Degree

    * General engineering ;
    * Maintenance methods engineering in AR Industrie, 36130 Déols
  • High School

    Angouleme 2012 - 2012 Diploma

    French high-school diploma electrics engineering
    High school Charles
    * Study of electronic signals ;
    * Design of integrated circuits
  • Lycée Charles A Coulomb

    Angouleme 2009 - 2014 Bac genie electronique / BTS maintenance industrielle


Annuaire des membres :