Young PhD in Automatic and Computer Engineering, I am a research engineer with a strong background in computer sciences.
Through my professional experience as a research engineer, I have applied my skills in optimization and risk management, artificial intelligence and distributed decision making in the fields of robotics and management of the market participation of renewable energy generation.
I participated in several collaborative projects (including a national robotics challenge) involving partners from differents companies and single-handedly managed the participation and scientific contribution of the CEA-LIST in the french research project WinPower.
My work as a research engineer included algorithmic design, implementation in various programming languages (C++, Java and Matlab) and valuation of the scientific work through oral communications in conferences and publicated papers in french and english.
I practice various sports as a hobby : I play basketball in an amateurs' team and am licensed member of a table tennis team. I also enjoy running, biking and swimming.
Finally, I have an active social life. With other alumni of Ibn Khaldoun university of Tiaret in France, I have helped create an association of former students aiming to support new students, especially when they pursue their studies in France.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Coordination de projets
Gestion du risque
Energies renouvelables
Valorisation d'entreprise
Intelligence artificielle
Microsoft PowerPoint