


En résumé

Hello I'm Cyrièle,
I'm a Senior User Experience Designer and an Information Architect.

I truly believe that designing the right user experience makes all the difference and is the key to any successful product, service or installation.

I’ve spent the last 10 years working in the digital industry, in small agencies as well as big corporations. I’ve had different roles, from back-end & front-end developer to producer.
Although I’ve had various job titles, they all have in common that the end user was always at the centre of everything I produced.

I mainly base my work on observation and analysis of user data.
Whether it’s through user-generated content, analytics tools, or through user research and testing sessions. This is why designing the right data strategy is also at the heart of my job.

I love to talk about what I do.
This year I spoke at EuroIA & World IA Day. Before that, I used to teach at Gobelins school, Paris.

Mes compétences :


  • Gobelins, l'école de l'image - Etudiante

    Paris 2009
  • BBC - User Experience Architect

    Paris 2015 - maintenant — Designing all the journeys related to users accounts: registration, sign in, uplift, update, parent/child linking...
    — Aligning with other products to cater for their needs and design a seamless experience across the whole BBC
    — Designing a data strategy for storing clean and consistent users data in order to enable creating personalised features
    — Accessibility training, Multi Platform Strategy training
  • Unit9 - IA / UX Designer

    2014 - 2015 — Designing for new business proposals as well as production
    — Expertise in desktop, mobile, games, installations and VR experiences
    — Adaptive methodology and deliverables (user flows, persona, user scenarii, overall ecosystems, data flows, interactive wireframes...)
    — Client facing and presentation
  • Unit9 - Technical project manager

    2013 - 2014 — Client & production team management (on location and remotely) using Basecamp, Jira or Redmine
    — Writing specifications
    — Budget estimates, risks assessment, schedules
    — Daily catch up with the team following an Agile methodology, and regular client meetings.
  • Blondie - UX Designer • Senior Technical Producer

    2012 - 2013 — Designing for new business proposals as well as production
    — Expertise in desktop, mobile, games, installations and VR experiences
    — Adaptive methodology and deliverables (user flows, persona, user scenarii, overall ecosystems, data flows, interactive wireframes...)
    — Client facing and presentation
  • La Chose - Web Project Manager

    Paris 2009 - 2009 — Client facing, meeting reports
    — Production team management (on location and remotely)
  • Les Chinois - UX Designer • Technical Project Manager

    2009 - 2012 — Designing for new business proposals as well as production
    — Expertise in desktop, mobile, games, installations and VR experiences
    — Adaptive methodology and deliverables (user flows, persona, user scenarii, overall ecosystems, data flows, interactive wireframes...)
    — Client facing and presentation
  • Uzik - Back-end/Front-end developpeur

    Paris 2006 - 2008 — Designing for new business proposals as well as production
    — Expertise in desktop, mobile, games, installations and VR experiences
    — Adaptive methodology and deliverables (user flows, persona, user scenarii, overall ecosystems, data flows, interactive wireframes...)
    — Client facing and presentation
  • La langue du Caméléon - Développeuse PHP & MySQL

    2005 - 2005 Développement du site de l'agence.
    Assistante photographe.



Annuaire des membres :