Alcatel France, Orvault
- Product Manager
2009 - maintenant
Alcatel France - Orvault
- Software Architect
2005 - 2009
Missions :
Product definition in collaboration with Product Marketing team.
Product study and follow-up in collaboration with development
teams and other products system/architecture teams.
Technical support to product management/customers.
Product security responsible.
Watercove - Boston USA
- Principal Software Engineer
2004 - 2005
Missions :
Network Management product development and integration.
Alcatel France - Orvault
- Principal Software Engineer
2002 - 2004
Missions :
Products integration and definition, technical follow-up,
Customer/Validation teams technical support
Xylan - Los Angeles USA
- Principal Software Engineer
1999 - 2002
Missions :
Network Management product development in a Windows/Java/SNMP environment, Integration with CA TNG/HPOV supervision platforms.
Service Level Management project leader : study, development, design of the product based on InfoVista SLM.
Alcatel Data Netwok - Orvault
- Principal Software Engineer
1988 - 1999
Missions :
Design and development in Unix, Oracle, Intranet environment, Database/Intranet administrator, Team management.
Philips - Nogent le Rotrou
- Technician in Quality Control Dept
1982 - 1986
Test bench realization, Quality control supervision, Maintenance of the electronic handlers.