


En résumé

Actuellement en Stage de Fin d'Etudes dans le laboratoire moteurs thermiques de l'Université Polytechnique de Valence, j'ai achevé ma troisième année à l'Ecole Centrale de Nantes en option Propulsion et Transports et ma deuxième année en option Génie Industriel.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Génie industriel
Microsoft Access


  • Universidad Politecnica de Valcencia, CMT Motores Termicos - Stagiaire

    2016 - maintenant I worked in the laboratory of motors of the university polytecnic de Valencia.

    My project is about the experimental study of the acoustic in a turbocharger and then validate a model with tests that we have done on the turbocharger. This project permit to do real tests and see also the simulation.
  • Aperam - Stagiaire

    2015 - 2015 Aperam is a global player in stainless steel.

    I worked on a cut to length line, which transforms coils of steel into sheet metal.
    I was in charge of the implementation of a program, made with Microsoft Access in order to identify time losses on the line for the improvement of the productivity of the line. The results showed us which part of the line had to be improved ans justified some investments on the line.

    I could learn a lot about the industrial world with this internship.
  • GEA Batignolles Technologies - Stagiaire

    2014 - 2014 Discovered the different manufacturing processes of heat exchangers by observing specialized workers and working on the production line.


  • Ecole Centrale

    Nantes 2013 - maintenant Ingénieur Propulsion

    Année 2014-2015
    Industrial Engineering: I learnt especially about production management, logistics, supply chain.

    Année 2015-2016
    -Propulsion and Transport: I study the different form of propulsion especially car motors with their functionment and their achitecture, but also plane, boat and train motors,
    -International Business Develloppement : Finance and negociation taught in english, law.
  • Lycée Condorcet (Paris)

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Classe préparatoires


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