
Davina LEMBA


En résumé

I am a professional with a valuable experience in the business industry emphasizing marketing. Going through different traineeships made me acquired various professional qualities including: the ability to negotiate and reconcile the managerial capacities to listen actively and share, as well as necessary skills to perform while working in a team. Also, a hard worker with leadership skills
and a full working ability in French and English, as well as an advanced knowledge in
Spanish and Chinese.

However, approaching my daily duties as a vocation has generated success and self-confidence.

During my academic journey, I obtained a broad knowledge of national and international cross-cultural management. Becoming a graduate student intensified my strong desire for marketing and I have gained a significant knowledge in the field of international marketing.

Furthermore, obtaining a double degree in communications management and in marketing conferred me some inestimable skills.

Working have allowed me to apply all that I have learned with a global, professional and intercultural perspectives.

Thus, my undeniable passion for communication management and marketing to get the best approach in managing international negotiation, marketing management and the implementation of efficient marketing strategies.

Having a master’s degree and working as a professional in the field of marketing is a step forward in the realization of my long-term goals.

Mes compétences :
Communication internationale
Microsoft Office
Customer Relationship Management
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator


  • Cliris - Assistante Marketing Développement Produit

    Courbevoie 2014 - 2014 Stratégie / Produits
    - Participation aux réunions de définition Produit
    - Tests fonctionnels de nouveaux produits
    - Veille concurrentielle

    - Rédaction de témoignages client
    - Rédaction de fiches produit
    - Enrichissement / Création de kits de vente (supports avant-vente, outils de démo, outils de formation...)
    - Rédaction de communiqués de presse
    - Traduction des supports actuels et création d'outils de communication en anglais
    - Optimisation du référencement naturel (benchmark concurrentiel, travail sur les mots-clés, rédaction de landing pages...)
    - Storytelling et création de tableaux de bord sur le portail web pour la création de vidéos

    Lead generation
    - Consolidation de base
    - Gestion d'un CRM (vTiger)
    - Organisation de campagnes de prospection pour les commerciaux
    - Participation à l'organisation d'un événement type Petit-Déjeuner

  • AOGC - Assistante Marketing, Développement et Négociation

    2013 - 2013
  • SCULFORT - Assistante Chef de Projet

    2013 - 2013
  • Mostra S.A à Bruxelles - Stagiaire Assistante Communication

    2012 - 2012
  • l’Ambassade du Congo RDC à Bruxelles - Stagiaire Assistante Communication

    2011 - 2012



Annuaire des membres :