Mes compétences :
Conseil en management
Conseil en Stratégie
Corporate finance
Finance d'entreprise
Gestion de projet
Stratégie d'entreprise
- Consultante
2014 - maintenant
Société Générale
- Analyste Fusions- Acquisisions
PARIS2013 - 2013
- Junior Project Manager - Finance Department
PARIS2012 - 2012Lexis Nexis France (700 employees; Turnover: 140M€) is a subsidiary of the Reed Elsevier Group (30000employees, Turnover: 5Mds€). LNF is one of the major actors in the Law Edition with its competitor Dalloz.
I worked on two different missions during my internship.
• "Product Launch"
The first one was aimed at following the launch of a major Internet product called Lexis360 on new markets.
I had to collaborate on the Costs Evaluation Part of the project with the Business Controlers but also with the IT, Editorial and Marketing teams.
• " BPR - Business Process Re-engineering" Mission
The goal of this mission was to do a complete diagnosis of the whole activity of the company, in order to find ways to improve its performances. The first part of my internship was aimed at realising an audit of all the activities done inside the company, within every Department. After having done an analysis of the processes to be improved in collaboration with the Project Manager dedicated to that mission, I had to deliver an "Action Plan" summarizing the main actions to take. At the end of my internship, I got the opportunity to see this plan applied with the organisation of several workshops.
- Junior Consultant
SURESNES2011 - 2011• Collaborated with a team of consultants on a large-scope and international consulting mission called “Lean Project” aimed at implementing the "Lean Management" tools in the Finance Department of Capgemini Group.
• Involved in the Central Team, in charge of the global organisation of the project but also with the team in charge of the implementation of the project in the Finance sector within Capgemini Group.
• Participated in the establishment of synthetic documents necessary to the Central Team. (achieved many ppt presentations and analytical excel finacial documents).
• Learnt about the key "Lean Management" principles
• Joined several determinant meetings for the future of the project. Organised meetings
- Business Controller
SURESNES2011 - 2011• Worked within the Financial Services of Capgemini Consulting.
• Learned how to manage major financial tools of a consulting firm: contracts, invoices, budget follow-up.
• Followed the financial status and budgets of several consulting projects