- Site Manager
Saint Barthélemy d'Anjou
2018 - 2019
Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Grinding plant 500.000 T/year, green field. (Google earth: 11°15'40.38"N; 4°18'51.39"O). Full responsibility of construction site including:
- Site follow-up (Site meetings, safety and security, planning optimization and follow-up, local expenses follow-up).
- Communication with contractors, local client (CIMAF) and head office.
- Management of a team of expert engineers (safety, civil, mechanical).
- Control of quality and compliance of equipment and erection.
- Reporting with head office.
- Construction Site Manager
2016 - 2018
Doha, Qatar. Cement plant 5000 T/day, brown field. 800 workers. Full integrated factory from limestone crusher to cement bulk loading (Google earth: 25°11'34.68"N; 50°51'9.41"E)
- Technical: Method Statements and Lifting Plan. Optimization of man power quality and quantity.
- Quality control: Implementation of Quality Control Plan, management of non-conformities, compliance of equipment and erection with local and FCB rules.
- Safety: Implementation of FCB safety rules including Inspections, Tool-box talks and trainings. Risk assessment for all activities.
- Planning: Follow-up and Scheduling. Optimization according to critical Milestones
- Coordination: Including contractors, FCB and Third party equipment delivery and specialists.
- Reporting: Weekly reports for FCB project management and contractual reporting for contractors including planning and quality.
- Site Manager
2015 - 2016
•Sokhna, Egypte. Modification of a coke mill
- Site follow-up (Site meetings, safety and security, planning optimization and follow-up, reporting). Total workers up to 100 people. Management of a team of engineers and commissioners.
- Quality control, compliance of equipment and erection.
- Safety Start-up, optimization, performance test and commissioning.
- Senior Project Manager
2011 - 2015
Greenfield located in Ouagadougou. Cement grinding unit 650 000T/year. Total budget 50 MioUSD. Total workers up to 350 people. (Google earth: 12°26'42.99"N; 1°30'1.15"O)
• Project phase (Brussels)
- Evaluation of needs and design of the plant together with technical department design team.
- Find qualified contractors, analyze and optimize their proposals and select best offer.
- Contract development and final negotiation (EPC contract with Sinoma, China).
• Administrative (Ouagadougou)
- Development, negotiation and signature of a tax incentive convention with local government.
- Local environmental and building permits. Modification of local norm with regard to use local dolomitic limestone as an additive for cement.
• Erection (Ouagadougou)
- Site follow-up (Site meetings, safety and security, planning optimization and follow-up). Management of a team of expert engineers (accountant, site manager, electrical, civil and mechanical) and commissioners.
- Control of quality and compliance of equipment and erection.
- Evaluate and select local concrete additives and construction material. Concrete formula definition and quality follow-up.
- Reporting with steering committee.
- Design and erection of water, electricity and communication connections to local network with local companies.
• Start-up (Ouagadougou)
- Define organization chart, job descriptions and hiring of operational team.
- Commissioning and performance test as per contract.
- Operation team training and implementation of routines for maintenance and operations.
- Find and evaluate a dolomitic limestone quarry. Start operation of the quarry.
- Senior Project Manager
2009 - 2011
• Cement packing machine Haver Boecker 4000 bags/hr for the Nice plant, 2M€.
• MSK wrapping machines for pallet of cement in three plants.
• ATEX Waste fuel (sewage sludge pallets) storage and dosing unit for the Nice plant.
- Evaluation of needs, suppliers and erection companies evaluation and selection, contract development and negotiation.
- Erection on a round the clock basis, start-up, commissioning and training of operators
• FLS Ball Mill at the Sinai Cement Plant ( El Arish, Egypt). 140 T/hr, 24 M€
- Copy plant of existing mills. Contract development and negotiation, erection follow-up.
- Senior Project Manager
2004 - 2009
• 2008 – 2009 Waste fuel storage, transport and dosing system (shredded tires and household).
• 2004 – 2008 Montalieu plant modernization project. Erection team up to 150 people. Overall cost 80M€. Project includes a crusher modernization, a new RBL-REI 2 km long overland belt conveyor with 2 tunnels , a 40000 Tons of rocks storage of 100 m diameter, a 380 t/hr Polysius mill including prestressed concrete, 700000 M3/hr Redecam bag filter, two 3,5 MW fans and a 130 T/hr Loesche vertical cement mill. Foundations partially under water-table and on piles (Google earth: 45°48'5.33"N; 5°25'22.16"E).
- Brownfield project done in close coordination with operation.
- Management of an erection team of 5 engineers. Site meeting and reporting to the steering committee.
- Coordination of all trades (GFC-Bouygues, Vinci, SPI) on the three lots (quarry, raw and cement).
- Quality, planning and budget control.
- Start-up, commissioning, optimization and training of operational team.
- Project Manager
2000 - 2004
In charge of erection follow-up and start-up of
•Phase 3 (2003) : IKN pendulum cooler with Kids and roller crusher
•Phase 2 ( 2001): Pfeiffer roller mill
•Phase 1 (2000): CLE 5 stages precalciner with flash. Start-up includes the supervision program and expert system
Ciments VICAT
- Engineer
1990 - 2000
• 1998-2000: optimization of a FCB 6 MW cement ball mill. Project includes an online particle analyzer to optimized circulating load using home made fuzzy logic program.
• 1997-1998: Semi dry plant optimization.
• 1994-1997:Start-up of the new Montalieu plant. CLE 5 stage precalciner with flash, Claudius peters cooler with 3 grates. In charge of the start-up, including optimization and commissioning.
• 1990-1994 Training