The Small Screen
- Pres/CEO
2014 - maintenant
Barcoded Music and TV are looking to start signing small films from 5 to 15 minutes from all over the world. This process debuts in October/2015, and all major language are accepted. This request is part of our new patented concept to help indie film's meet their monetary needs through our new revenue models.
- Pres/CEO
2014 - maintenant
SBMI (SAN Barcoded Music Italy), is Barcoded Music Italian Record Label to work with Italy hidden talents, from Concerts to signing talents to major labels.
Creative Inmates
- Pres/CEO
2013 - maintenant
In the USA 41% percent of Inmates return back to jail in a short period of time.
SAN: Starving Artist Network has reasoned that 1/3% of the inmates are artist, and we've
committed resouces to help them.
Most inmates have an immediately family, which suffers when one goes to prison for a long time, male or female. It is a fact that the home-front changes dramatically, especially financially. So this is what SAN: Starving Artist Network is doing about it!
1) SAN: Starving Artist Network has summoned a local bank about our creative project to help, and they have responded favorable by agreeing to give each "SANMate" prisoner a free account to assist with outside family monetary support regardless of their inmate profile or personal credit history. SAN: Starving Artist Network does not have access to any prisoners accounts, nor do we want to. SAN neither dictate nor delegate any payment decision, this is solely done by the prisoner.
2) SAN: Starving Artist Network has contracts with specific "artistic" prisoners, and pays upfront even if we are not successful in selling the "design" on the back end. Also, the pricing is agreed upon by both parties to ensure a fair and reasonable rate and a maximine volume to have a successful campaign. This is one of many artistic programs that SAN will charter. So "SANMates" prisoners are guaranteed the monies for the agreed upon amount and the length of the contract.
SAN has other types of artistry from prisoners coming soon, and this will be reflected on our website at www.creativeinmates.com November/2015.
This powerful program by SAN to have access to artists in prisons helps them in 5 major ways.
1) SANMates go on record for being responsible inside the prison.
2) SANMate support their families while in prison.
3) Increase their savings and credit.
4) SANMate align themselves for a early release.
5) SANMate start their own business once released.
Barcoded Mixed CD
- Pres/CEO
2012 - maintenant
Barcoded Mixed CD Label is a revolutionary proactive anti-Pirating CD protection concept that was especially designed to diminish the illegal and unlawful selling of artist music.
The Global Aggregator (Online)
- Pres/CEO
2012 - maintenant
So How Does It Work?
The journey will start "online" in print followed by audio and video!
First, I will submit content to our professional staff writer, who will return a "release" copy to me. Secondly, I will forward the “release” to all translators to be convert in their native language.
Also, as our efforts matures all translators will be required to submit a print, audio and video format with them in it. I will have their submissions reviewed, and later posted under the translators video language. (Translators will be verbally talking in their native language in the video with commercials).
This "Patent Pending" online module suggests that one Ad in one setting could cover
twenty languages simultaneously... THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!
* Spanish
* French
* Italian
* German
* Arabic
* Portuguese
* Somali
* Hindi
* Japanese
* Chinese
* Korean
* Russian
* Urdu
* Persian
* Dutch
* Amharic
* Greek
* Hebrew
* Vietnamese
* Thai
Growth equal progress! From print, audio, video to eventually TV.
As the Global Managing Agent for Openvision HD-TV Network, the first ever online "REAL TV" ..
It is my primary duty to bring global content to the TV network in different languages.
The Global Aggregator could easily qualify as content for that network.
Best Regards
Diamond D Grier
Here is a sample of Openvision "Real TV" on my "Samsung Note 2" cellphone.
Openvision Television Networks
- Global Managing Agent
2011 - maintenant
Openvision TV Network
Openvision TV Networks, is a Free Global HD Television, not movie clips like Hulu, Google Tv, Apple TV and Hulu respectfully.
Please contact me by email so we can see if you qualify to provide TV content, and new ideas are welcome by me.
Diamond D Grier
P.S. coming soon in 2015 "SAN-TV".
- Pres/CEO
2011 - maintenant
Private Accounting Firm and Services.
Georgia Business Center
- Pres/CEO
2008 - maintenant
Business Plans Development, Business Forms & Systems, Business Brokers, Mail & Shipping Services, Management Consultants, Marketing Programs & Services, Copying & Duplicating Service, Printing Services-Commercial, Accounting Services, Advertising-Promotional Products, Wedding Photography & Videography, Internet Marketing & Advertising, Telephone Communications Services, Web Site Design & Services, Sign Rental, Media Brokers, Web Site Hosting, Internet Service Providers (ISP), Balloons-Advertising & Signage, Screen Printing, Cellular Telephone Service, Graphic Designers
SAN: Starving Artist Network
- Pres?CEO
2001 - maintenant
On the surface, SAN may appear to be relatively sedated. But the calm exterior hides a fair amount of ingenuity, and it is that ingenuity that will shape the near future for all Artist.
SAN will be the first ever Artistic Platform "That Will Pay Quarterly" All Artistic Expressions For their Participation. From:
Hair Stylist
Directors and much more.
SAN: Starving Artist Network will be the first Artistic & Musical Platform in History to Create an exclusive Network Of Music Titles....UMC (Universal Music Catalog) that will complement all Genres of Music.
"The Small Screen" SAN will award every artist the right to shoot their own small film 15-30 Minute.
Online Browsia
"Sanbrowsia & Sanadio" SAN own browser radio and TV station that will feature Live TV, and Movies, Comedian and Poetry.
Radio Station
Live - Inter-Views (Copyrights-Patents) on upcoming Artist.
"Art & Music Schools".
" Ebooks" (Hard & Virtual Downloads) Virtual Books.
"Artistic, Musical and Design Software".
SAN software for all artist.
SAN Magazines (State of the Art) will feature from Crossword Puzzles to Art, Music and Film content amplifying History and the works.
Artistpedia - is an extensive social networks exclusive for all types artists and it is viewed differently in the public browser if they are not an artist. Also, this new social network has features and new designed software that the artist uses, but not the public. Additional, the network will store venture from all over the world, and it will log festivals and venues in realtime based on there submission.