After obtaining my Scientific Baccalauréat in 2005, I integrated IPSA school in Paris which is dedicated to aerospace and aeronautical engineering sciences. This five-year program pushed me on the international field with several internships in the United States of America.
In 2009 at the the end of my fourth year, I joined VALEO PowerTrain Systems for a year in industry in the test laboratory of Sainte Florine center (43), France, for 11 months as the responsible for the vibration tests.
With the will of being international, I resumed my studies for my final year in September 2010 in the Shenyang Aerospace University and achieved them with a final internship in VALEO PTS in Shanghai China as R&D team contributor for an EGR Module project.
The internship led to a job offer in August 2012. Since, I am responsible of the setting up of VALEO PTS laboratory dedicated to Combustion engine components in China. This mission includes the sourcing (domestic and international), the budget management of investments, the setting up of the machines according safety and environmental rules, the preparation of ISO certifications, the experimentation and expertise themselves and the transfer of the French team know-how regarding testing metier to the local engineers through knowledge and trainings.
Mes compétences :
Simulation numérique
Programmation matlab