
Dorian LUPU


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Agile Software Development
Behaviour Driven Development
Ruby on rails
Software Development
Test Driven Development


  • Finexkap - Freelance Ruby on Rails

    Paris 2015 - 2015 I assisted the internal development team working on several Ruby on Rails applications by developing new features and reinforcing best practices related to testing and separation of concerns.

    Based on my previous experience on REST-full APIs and OAuth 2, I’ve proposed multiple improvements to the Public API scheduled to be released in September 2015.

    Most of the time I’ve been working with Ruby On Rails & Angular. The rest of the time I’ve played with Erlang and Go programming languages and learned about Apache Kafka (publish-subscribe messaging bus) and micro services architecture.
  • Self Employed - Freelance Software & Web Developer

    2015 - maintenant
  • Dimelo - System Integration Project Manager

    PARIS 2012 - 2015 Dimelo is a SaaS software company offering 2 SaaS Products

    * Customer Community Platform (CCP) - powers branded communities that drive traffic, lift customer lifetime value, foster innovation, and significantly reduce the cost of customer care.
    * Social Media Contact Center (SMCC) - unifies interactions across digital channels like social networks (Facebook, Twitter ...) , the web (forums, blogs, ...) , email, sms , etc . It enables marketing and customer service departments to combine effective customer service with operational efficiencies.

    As System Integration Project Manager I have a deep understanding of our products architecture and integration capabilities :

    * Single Sing On : OAuth, OpenID, JWT, CAS, Custom SSO protocols
    * REST-ful APIs, Data exports for BI integration
    * Third party integrations : Sales Force (CRM), Microsoft Dynamics (CRM), Netino (Message Moderation), Survey Monkey (determine the Net Promoter Score using surveys), Akio (Email Management), iAdvize (Chat Solution)

    My main responsibilities are :

    * to help partners and integrators to make the most of products' integration capabilities in order to achieve client requirements and use cases
    * to identity use cases that are relevant from a product perspective and present them to the product manager as integration feature requests
    * to recrute and train developers in the Professional Services Team

    Additionally, as a Security Interlocutor :

    * I respond to all inquiries from our clients related to infrastructure and application security
    * I make sure security audits unfold smoothly (up to 6 major audits per year) and that relevant findings are quickly fixed by the product team

    Last but not least, as the Technical Adviser of the pre-sales team :

    * I clarify and dialog on project scope/context in order to identify technical risk factors and provide more accurate estimations
    * I do basic product / feature demos
  • Freelance Ruby in Rails - Freelance

    2011 - 2012
  • - Responsable technique (CTO)

    2010 - 2012 • Cadrage du projet: Etude de marché, Elaboration de la stratégie marketing et
    • Développement de l'activité, Recherche de partenaires, Montage de l'équipe projet
    • Gestion administrative et financière de l'entreprise ;

    Responsable technique:
    • Choix stratégiques des technologies: Rails v2.3 puis v3, JQuery, MySQL puis
    PostreSQL , Git ;
    • Formation et gestion de 2 développeurs juniors ;
    • Gestion « agile », par itérations de 2 semaines
    • Analyse de la performance et optimisation de l’application, techniques avancées de « caching »
    • Paiement en ligne - adaptation du gem ActiveMerchant pour
    • Déploiement sur Heroku et utilisation intensive des addons (Memcache, New Rellic, AirBrake ..)
  • Devoteam Consulting (ex. Siticom) - Consultant Réseaux d'Entreprise

    2006 - 2010 Contribution principales dans le cadre d'appels d'offres internationaux :
    • Analyse des réponses des opérateurs télécoms;
    • Synthèses SWOT techniques et financières;
    • Recommandations pour les short-listes;
    • Participation aux négociations des contrats et des annexes.

    Gestion de projet :
    • Pilotage du déploiement des réseaux WAN;
    • Coordination des fournisseurs, intégrateurs software et clients ;
    • Optimisation des coûts et gestion des aspects contractuels.
  • ALCATEL CIT - Stagiaire

    2004 - 2005 Année de Césure à Alcatel CIT, Vélizy – Dept. MRD/PCS (Mobile Radio Division / Professional Customer Services).

    *** 1re mission : (Equipe internationale de 5 personnes)
    En charge de l’optimisation d’un outil interne de vérification de l’architecture et du dimensionnement des réseaux d’accès radio GSM et UMTS.

    o Environnement technique : Visual Studio.NET, C#
    o Rôle: analyse de l’outil et recherche de dysfonctionnements
    o Contributions: proposition, présentation et mise en place d'améliorations et de corrections
    o Résultats : réduction de 97% du nombre d’accès à la base de données en développant une couche logiciel "cache" configurable; augmentation par 6 de la vitesse d’exécution grâce à une optimisation des algorithmes et refonte de certaines fonctionnalités.

    *** 2éme mission : Conception et développement d’un outil de dimensionnement des réseaux UMTS à partir de compteurs et indicateurs relatifs aux interfaces UTRAN.


  • Telecom Bretagne (ENST Bretagne)

    Brest 2003 - 2006 Engineer

    Final Major Project with honors based on accomplishments during the one year internship at Alcatel CIT (see first experience for more details)

    Activities : Foreigner students representative in "Life at school" think tank (2003), Robotics Club (E=M6 contest 2004), Euromanager Contest (French semi-finals in 2006)
  • Universitatea Politehnica Din Timisoara

    Timisoara 2000 - 2006 Engineer

    Main projects : Serial communication between 32 computers using one serial port (Hardware adapter design, simple chat software); Educational Software for Learning main graphs algorithms (minimum spanning tree, traveling salesman problem, breath-first search, depth-first search)

    In 2003, after 3 years of study, I was selected in a 3 year student exchange program with ENST Bretagne, France
Annuaire des membres :