
Dorothée OBACH

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Maladies infectieuses
Economie de la santé


  • MSF Belgium - Epidemiologist

    2016 - maintenant Epidemiologist in HIV program in Tete, Mozambique, with use of Tier.Net and Stata + TB study
    Routine data monitoring
    Outbreak response when necessary
    Management of a data manager (responsible of 4 people) + 2 data encoders
  • MSF Belgium - Epidemiologist

    2015 - 2015 Ebola outbreak: epidemiological surveillance in Guinea
    Management of 3 people
  • University College London, UCL - Research Associate

    2014 - 2015 Health economist, evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening strategies of hard to reach populations in London for HCV and tuberculosis infections (HALT and ACE studies).
    I will evaluate the costs associated to the different strategies tested, like using a van to test patients for HCV and tuberculosis, mostly in people who inject drugs or homeless persons, and will realize a literature review on the subject.
  • Inserm - Research Assistant, PhD

    PARIS 13 2014 - 2014 Research unit: IAME, UMR 1137, team 5, DeSCID "Decisional SCience in Infectious Disease prevention, control, and care", Paris, France

    Subject: "Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different antiviral treatment strategies in patients with a chronic HCV in Egypt"
  • Inserm - PhD student, Research Assistant

    PARIS 13 2011 - 2014 Research unit: IAME, UMR 1137, team 5, DeSCID "Decisional SCience in Infectious Disease prevention, control, and care", Paris, France

    Research Subject: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different antiviral treatment strategies in patients with a chronic HCV in Egypt

    My research participated to the changing in national treatment recommendations for chronic HCV in Egypt and was published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, BMC Medical Research Methodology, and Hepatology. My work is also referenced in the WHO 2014 guidelines for the treatment of chronic HCV infections in limited settings (

    - Literature review of HCV infection in resources-constrained countries, including Egypt, Thailand, and Côte d'Ivoire, in order to have an overview of the situation on HCV infection and for the collection of data
    - Modelling of the natural history of the HCV infection in Egypt, Thailand, and Côte d'Ivoire, using TreeAge Pro Software: Markov and decision models for effectiveness and cost-effectiveness analyses
    - Descriptive analyses, using Stata software
    - Development of a Delphi study in Egypt in order to collect missing data
    - Business travels in Cairo (Egypt), San Fransisco, Boston (USA), and Amsterdam (Netherlands)
    - Production of scientific papers, activity reports, oral communications and posters
    - Organization of meetings for our collaborative work, in France and abroad
    - Teaching assistant for students in first year of medical studies

    - Obach D et al, Hepatology 2015, doi: 10.1002/hep.27691
    - Obach D et al, CID 2014, doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu066
    - Cousien A, Obach D et al., BMC Medical Research Methodology 2014, doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-14-39

    - AASLD 2012, The liver meeting, Boston, USA
    - EASL 2013, The international liver congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Oral communication:
    - Epiclin 2013, Paris, France
  • Inserm - Research Assistant

    PARIS 13 2009 - 2011 Research unit: U995, "Modeling, decision making, and cost-effectiveness in infectious diseases” team, Lille, France

    Research subject: Cost-effectiveness of different antiviral treatment strategies in HCV-infected patients in Egypt: Defining best starting and stopping criteria

    - Modeling of the natural history of the chronic HCV infection and the effect of different treatment strategies on the quality of life adjusted life expectancy and life expectancy, in Egypt
    - Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatment strategies, in order to help decision-makers for the national HCV treatment policies
    - Use of TreeAge Pro Software, Inc
    - Organization of meetings in France and abroad
    - Submission of national and international project to fund calls
  • Pasteur Institute of New Caledonia - Research Assistant

    2007 - 2008 Research unit: Infectious diseases epidemiology, Nouméa, New-Caledonia

    Research subject: Epidemiological surveillance of cancers in New-Caledonia

    - Data collection using patients' medical records
    - Data management, using Stata software
    - Communication with physicians and public health professionals
  • Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, IRD - Internship in epidemiology

    2007 - 2007 Research unit: UR174 Clinical epidemiology, mother and child health and HIV in South East Asia, PHPT, Chang Mai, Thailand

    Research subject: Study of the growth of children infected by HIV and under anti-retroviral treatments, in Thailand

    I undertook my internship during five months in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in a team with Thai and French researchers.
    - Data management
    - Descriptive analyses
    - Statistical analyses with Stata software: non-parametric tests, linear and logistic regressions, multiple imputations (MICE)
  • InVS, Institut de veille sanitaire - Internship in epidemiology

    2006 - 2006 Research unit: Infectious Diseases Department, Saint-Maurice, France

    Research subject: Preventive sexual behaviors evolution of men who have sex with men coping with HIV infection

    - Data management
    - Descriptive analyses
    - Use of Stata software
  • Institut Pasteur - Internship in epidemiology

    Paris 2004 - 2005 Research unit: Emerging diseases epidemiology, Paris, France

    Subject: Hepatitis C virus in Egypt, genetic susceptibility

    - Data management
    - Use of SAS software
    - Business travel in Cairo, collaboration with Egyptian researchers
  • Institut Pasteur - Internship in microbiology-virology

    Paris 2003 - 2004 Research unit: Lyssaviruses dynamic and host adaptation

    Research subject: Determination of the minimum sequence of the rabies virus M protein, targeting mitochondrion and inducing apoptosis cell death

    During this internship, I used the following methods:
    - Molecular biology: PCR, construction of recombining vectors, cloning, sequencing, genotyping, Western blotting
    - Cellular biology: HeLa cell culture, cell transfection, immunofluorescence, mitochondrial fractionation
    - Work in BSL-3 laboratory
    I also supervised a student in first year of master degree.



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