
Dr. Pierre-François BRAUN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Strategic market analysis
Product management
Numerical analysis
Quality Control
Python Programming
Intellectual Property Law
C Programming
Analyse de brevets
Business development
Communication scientifique


  • attocube systems AG - Project Leader

    2008 - maintenant * Managing product from idea to market (strategic market analysis, design, model, development, purchasing, manufacturing, industrialization, quality control, marketing, product management, maintenance).
    * Scanning technological competitor advances (patent and publication analysis).
    * Designing and developing an ultra-compact displacement sensor for nanometric positioning and vibration measurement in extreme environments (Ultra High Vacuum, High Magnetic field, Ultra Low Temperature).
    This interferometer solution offers picometer resolution and nanometer repeatability over long range (meter).
    [P.-F. BRAUN, K. KARRAI, EP2363685 A1; K. THURNER, P.-F. BRAUN, K. KARRAI, EP2806246 A1]
    Technology award: R&D 2012; CLEO 2012
    * Designing and assembling a phase contrast microscope for living cells time lapse imaging.
    * Designing and assembling original fiber based confocal microscopes for single nanoobjects optical characterization in controlled extreme environments (Ultra High Vacuum, High Magnetic field, Ultra Low Temperature).
    * Designing, modelling, and developing a novel piezoelectric drive for soundless nanometer precise positioning.
  • HORIBA Jobin Yvon -  Project Leader in optical spectroscopy

    Longjumeau Cedex 2007 - 2008 * Designing and developing a highly versatile optical Raman microscope targeted at the industrial and routine analytical sector (XploRA ONETM).
    * Designing and developing an optical spectrometer.
  • INSA de Toulouse - Study engineer

    2004 - 2007 * Identifying for the first time the role of hyperfine interaction between electron and nuclear spins.
    [P-F. Braun et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 116601 (2005) and Nature, Research Highlights, Vol. 434, 839]
  • INSA de Toulouse - Teaching assistant

    2003 - 2006 * Detecting and controlling polarization of electrons emitted by a single quantum dot.
    * Designing and assembling of original fiber based confocal microscope for single nanoobjects optical
    characterization (spectral resolution @ 900nm : 1.6nm; time resolution: 300ps; spatial resolution: <
    * Performing ultrafast spectroscopy of single nanobjects photoluminescence. ;
    * Developing IT solution for automated data acquisition.

    05.2004 - 07 Teaching assistant (96 hours /year) at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse


  • Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées INSA

    Toulouse 2004 - 2007 Diplôme de Docteur de l'Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse; Spécialité: Matériaux, Technologie et Composants pour l'Électronique

    Identifying for the first time the role of hyperfine interaction between electron and nuclear spins.
    P-F. Braun et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 116601 (2005)
    Nature, Research Highlights, Vol. 434, 839 (2005)
    Demonstrating two possibilities to increase circular polarization of emitted photons by positively
    charged excitons (X+) in single quantum dots.
    P-F. Braun et al, Phys. Rev. B 74, 245306 (2
  • Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées

    Toulouse 2003 - 2004 Master of Science with distinction

    DEA Electronic Materials, Technology and Compounds with Distinction (Mention bien)
  • University Of Essex (Colchester)

    Colchester 2002 - 2003 Master of Science in Photonics

  • Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées

    Toulouse 2000 - 2003 Diplôme d'ingénieur en Génie Physique

    Toulouse (School of Engineering in 5 years) (France)


Annuaire des membres :