
Dumitru Vasile MOIS


En résumé

SC INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MOIS SRL are offering the following opportunities:

1. We have a Gold Certificate of 100 Million USD issued in USA which can be checked with BIS Bank in Basel - Switzerland and also an IBOE of 5 Billion USD which is in Switzerland. I am the beneficiary of this two financial instruments.

2.We have over 20 technologies invented by our engineers to produce very cheap energy with polution ZERO and we are looking for an investor, or to monetize our financial instruments in order to to finance our Energy Project. We have already buyer which would like to buy energy from us of 2 B Euro.

3.We would like to open and Bank in Bruxelles and we have all the approvals from the Belgium National Bank and we are looking for partners with experience or/and investors.

4. We own some Gold German Bonds value of over 500 Million Euro, Chinoase Bonds Liberty 10000 and 5; 10, 50; 100; 1000 KYC Farmer . IMPERIAL Bond Blak Eglles Cristofor Columbus kyc Pol PASS_CO etc which are foe sale or trade in order to finance our Energy Project with wireless transmission.

If you are interested in Scrap Oil I want and just how to sell direct from Russia Refinery at low prices I need buyer and rapeseed oil as bio disel
5 These are the pictures of Picasso´s plates made of gold 23 carats.
The diametre is 0,42 cm
Weight : 2684 g

This is a serie of 20 plates.
One belong to Picasso´s family
One to the foundary
Eight to Queen Elisabeth of England
The other eight are offered on sale.

The estimated price is 1,500 000 € each
The owner woul like to receive 1,200 000 € per plate
A purchase price of 1,300 000 € would be perfect.

The viewing can be organized in Geneva.


-Le visage en forme d'horloge
-Horloge à la langue
-Visage larvé
-Visage aux taches
-Joueur de flûte

Modigliani - Portrait de Femme

Bonjour Vasy

Je peux avoir ce portrait en connexion quasi directe.
Son prix est de 58 M de USD + 10 % com.
Bref on nous le vend à 60 M.

PS : Il faut bouger très vite sur cette peinture.

I have attached to image


Total Purchase Price $58M USD

POF is required presenting $60 Million USD (10% Commission included.)

This is the definition of a Modigliani Masterwork - No other agents /
brokers on this planet have the direct, guaranteed ability to produce
this painting for viewing -

If this work is of interest, it is important that you move swiftly as I
have other interested buyers

If you are really interested about this opportunities please confirm that you have a real trader and/or a reliable buyer.

Hoping that you understand that our energy technologies might change the world future and if you would like to be part of that future together with us, we wish you to have the wisdom to join us on the beginning of all this.

We are waiting for your wisdom answer.

Thank you very much;

Best regards,

D.Vasile Mois CEO
SKYPE vasilemois65


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