A highly motivated chemical engineer ...
I am freshly graduated from Ecole Nationale des Mines de Rabat (a Moroccan graduate engineering school). Actually, I just got my chemical engineer diploma (Master degree equivalent). Some strengths of mine include being a self-motivated hard worker as well as an effective group member. As a chemical engineering student, I was often required to work independently and among a team on projects requiring me to be accurate and consistent as I work. In fact, I carried out several academic projects and internships requiring a strong theoretical knowledge and practical skills. For example, during my graduation project I was responsible for installing and setting up a pilot sand washing unit attached to the milling station of an aggregates quarry. Moreover, as part of a course on heat exchangers, I performed computations to design a heat exchanger train to be used in CSP plant in Ouarzazate (southern Morocco).
In addition, I am able to successfully maintain a good grade point average while working part-time as a team leader at Moroccan Youth Leaders Association, where I participated to develop and support five environmental and socioeconomic projects for disadvantaged populations.
I look forward to combine those qualities with my enthusiasm and my sense of adaptation in order to build a good career in the fields of energy or processing industry.
Mes compétences :
Procédés industriels
Génie chimique
Opérations unitaires
Modélisation et Optimisation des procédés
Phénomènes de transfert et cinétique
Technologies et bioprocédés
Analyse des risques et impact sur l’environnement
Procédés de traitement et évaluation économique
Calcul des échangeurs de chaleur
Production et distribution de vapeur
Réacteurs et procédés industriels