


En résumé

Student in Neoma Business School in first-year management master in order to obtain a graduation Management Management with Master Grande Ecole programme , in finance.
I'm currently doing a semester exchange abroad in Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland, to improve my english and discover Irish culture.
I've already done one internship in accounting (3 months), one in risk management (6 months), and one in audit (6 months).
Today, I'm looking for a six-month internship from July to December 2017 in finance or control management.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Société Générale - Risks controller's Assistant

    PARIS 2016 - 2016 In the Risk service of the Bordeaux Est Commercial Department:
    - Operational risks management: prevention against fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing throughout the treatment of alerts
    - Preparation and co-animation of the quarterly Risk committees
    - Treatment of files for companies that ask for a credit more than 500K€ : analysis of the financial statements and of activity's evolution in order to deliver in opinion about the companies' solvency (mainly wine castles) -> credit risk
    - Visit to Société Générale's agencies in order to train the bank advisors and the directors about risks
    - Action about SEPA direct debit and its tracking
    - Management during one month of a summary intern
  • Compagnie Fiduciaire - Auditor

    Bordeaux 2016 - 2016 Six-month internship in the Audit Service of La Compagnie Fiduciaire:

    - Statutory audit missions: financial audit in companies in Bordeaux and in the South West of France
    - Legal audit
    - Client relationship: meetings with CFO
  • BDS Neoma Business School - Campus de Reims - Basketball Responsible

    2015 - 2016 Responsible of the female basketball team in the Neoma Business School's Sports Office in Reims:
    - Organization of trainees and games with FFSU
    - Keeping a team and cohesion spirit on the ground and outside
    - Organization of sport tournaments between schools
  • Crédit Agricole - Accouting intern in Credit department

    Montrouge 2015 - 2015 Three months internship in Credit Agricole Centre Loire during my pre-master year.
    In the accounting division of Credit Agricole Centre Loire 's Credit department:

    -Reporting of a accounting procedures's file for the Credit department towards the intern audit
    - Updating of the accounts and technical accounts' adjustments
    - Accounting entry
    - Diary accounting transactions, statements' treatment
  • CA$H association - Vice president

    2013 - 2014 Vice president of the association students office for the preparatory class in Lycée Pothier in Orleans:
    - Organization of SAM road safety stands during galas and parties, in partnership with the Loiret General Council
    - Organization of galas in the school
    - Saling sweatshirts and chocolate pans in order to distribute funds to an association in Népal
    --> Team management and decision making
  • CS Bourges - Coach and basketball trainer

    2011 - 2012 Trainer and coach of a young boy team from 9 to 11 years old:
    - Trainings organization and preparation
    - Exercises creation
    - Coaching during games
    - Arbitration
    - Score tables


  • Trinity College Dublin (Dublin)

    Dublin 2017 - maintenant Master in Management

    Semester abroad in Trinity College Dublin:
    - Modules : Managing new product development, management accounting, corporate finance and equity valuation, social innovation and social impact, marketing for different organizational and business contexts
    - Netball and basketball practice
    - Irish culture
  • NEOMA Business School (Reims Management School - RMS)

    Reims 2014 - maintenant Master in management

    - Preparation of Master in Management in the Master Grande Ecole programme of Neoma Business School - Reims Campus.
    - Graduation in 2018.
    - Modules : corporate finance, accounting, management accounting, marketing, human resources, brand management, operations management, management control, quantitative method, brand management, risk management, economics, strategy
    - Ranked 8/1200 students in 201
  • Lycée Pothier Prépa ECS

    Orleans 2012 - 2014 Prépa

    Two-year intensive programme preparing for the national competitive exam to enter the business schools at Pothier High School in Orléans, France.
    - Modules: Philosophy, Mathematics, History, French, English, Spanish.
  • Lycée Jacques Coeur

    Bourges 2009 - 2012 Bac S Mention TB

    Science baccalaureat
    Average: 17,3/20


Annuaire des membres :