
Emilie GRAFF


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Ski alpin
Audit interne


  • EA-CIDAM - Research Assistant

    2016 - 2016 * Topic : "Probiotic strategy against enterotoxinogenic E. coli (ETEC): mechanistic aspects of the antagonism"
    * Reviewed literature on ETEC and probiotics
    * Stage 1 : Presceening of 6 probioticstrains against strains of ETEC (coculture, mucin adhesion test)
    * Stage 2 : Probiotics and their antagonistic effet against ETEC in the upper digestive tract. This works will be conducted in the in vitro TIM - 1 model: reproducing the main physicochemical parameters of the stomach and the three parts of the small intestin ( duodenum, jejunum, ileum) in human.
    * Stage 3 : In parallel of stage 2, flow cytometer has been used to follow ETEC survival in the TIM-1- model thanks to 3 kits : BacLight Bacterial LIVE/DEAD®, BacLight Bacterial Membrane Potential® et Vybrant® CFDA SE Cell Tracer.
  • University of Illinois - Research Assistant .Andrade Laboratory

    2015 - 2015 • Applied, optimized and conducted iron analysis of samples fortified with “lucky iron fish” technique
    • Reviewed literature on iron analysis using the ferrozine method
    • CV% in sample analyses reduced from 25% to <5%
  • SERFEL laboratory - Research intern

    2015 - 2015 • Project “Fight against storage diseases in peach trees”
    • Reviewed literature on fruits fungi, food safety (HACCP protocol) and fruit quality (food microbiology and marketing criteria)
    • Applied and organize the phytosanitary treatments against Monilia in peach trees (solution preparation tested: GREENSTIM® and ARMICARB®).
    • Manage Medical Check-up of all trees (peach, apricot, cherry and olive) total of 1,000 trees within 2,000 acres): development of fungal diseases (Monilia, Rhizopus Stolonifer and Penicilium expansum) and pest insect populations (aphid, trips, perithecia and leafhoppers).
    • Applied food security, study of postharvest fungal development (Monilia, Rhizopus Stolonifer and Penicilium expansum) on peach trees and peach quality (food microbiology and marketing criteria).
  • Wetheriggs Animal Rescue Center - Intern. Responsible for the Tropical House section

    2014 - 2014 • Manage a dedicated team (5-10 volunteers): food and care schedule, presentation, inventory management
    • In charge of animal’s welfare (around 200 animals): alimentation based on the species and way of life, care (injuries)
    • Responsible for the meerkat’s presentation twice per day in front of visitor (history of meerkat’s group, way of life, relationship in the group) and answer eventual question about them.
  • EI-PURPAN - Husbandry Assistant.

    2013 - 2013 • Responsible for day to day routine on a dairy cattle farm (e.g. feeding, milking, maintenance, cleaning)
    • Help collect blood and urin data for research, including measures of vitamins.
    • Control and try to decrease mastitis rate: microbiology milk study responsible for mastitis via direct analyses of the cellular concentration of the milk made in routine within the framework of the Milk quality control test, analysis of bacteria in causes of mastitis: Staphylococci and Escherichia Coli and indirect tests as the CMT (Californian Mastitis Test).
    • Responsible for the good working of the milking robots VMS DeLaval. Software support my work in allowing mastitis detection with reports and graphs cellular rates.


  • Semester Abroad In Food Science & Human Nutrition (FSHN) - University Of Illinois (University Of Illinois)

    University Of Illinois 2015 - 2015 Activities and Societies: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (http://illinois.edu/) Majors: Principles of Nutrition, Science of Food Preparation, Neuroscience of Eating & Drinking and Undergraduate Research “Analysis of iron in fortified rice” Minor: Introduction of the neurobiology

    Member of the FSHN James Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers Association (University of Illinois)

    Toulouse 2013 - maintenant
  • BCPST- VETO Preparatory School In Biological And Veterinary Sciences

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Activities and Societies: Ecole Etienne Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire- Paris, France (http://www.cours-egsh.fr/index.html) Minors: German Reports: Anticipate and prevent the degradation of fruits (2012-2013) Yoghurt and cream: invariance of the qualities of two similar products (2011-2012)

    The life sciences have been a beloved passion since elementary school. Thus, my interest for Food Science and Nut


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