
Emmanuel WITRANT


En résumé

Research activity in Modeling and control of transport in non-homogeneous media (GIPSA-lab):
- Theoretical research in Non-homogeneous transport modeling and control: identification and energy optimization.
- Energy applications: controlled thermonuclear fusion (ITER), cryogenic power plants (CERN-LHC) and intelligent buildings ventilation.
- Environment applications: past atmospheres reconstruction from chemical transport in firns (LGGE) and flow & combustion modeling in car engines (Renault).
http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/ ~e.witrant/

Teaching at UFR PhITEM (ex Physique, UJF):
- Head of the international master program on Systems, Control and Information Technologies.
- Head of the Automatic Control teachings at UFR de Physique.

Mes compétences :
Développement durable


  • Université Joseph Fourier - Maitre de Conférences

    Saint-Martin-d'Hères 2007 - maintenant Responsable du Master international "Systems, Control and Information Technologies" (fusion des programmes "Pilotage et Surveillance des Procédés Industriels" et "Automatique")
  • CEA Cadarache - Post doc

    2006 - 2006
  • Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm, Suède) - Post doctorat

    2006 - 2007


  • Institut National Polytechnique (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 2001 - 2005 Automatique-Productique (DEA + Thèse)
  • Georgia Institute Of Technology Aerosapce Engineering (Atlanta)

    Atlanta 1999 - 2001 Aerospace Engineering (Bachelor of Science)
  • Euro American Institute Of Technology EAI Tech

    Valbonne 1997 - 1999 Aerospace Engineering


Annuaire des membres :